ztatlock / pec

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PEC : Automatically check the correctness of compiler optimizations.


  This software implements the checking algorithm from 'Proving
  Optimizations Correct using Parameterized Program Equivalence' by Kundu,
  Tatlock, and Lerner in PLDI 2009. PEC attempts to automatically prove
  that a given optimization always preserves program behavior.

  Optimizations are expressend as parameterized rewrite rules. See the PLDI
  paper mentioned above, the examples later in this document, or the rules
  under test/relate for more info.


  PEC depends on the OCaml language and supporting tools from:

  and the Z3 SMT solver from:


  To build simply:

    $ make

  The tools in script/ depend on the environment variable PEC which
  must be set to the toplevel directory of the project, e.g.

    $ export PEC="$HOME/pec"

  To avoid forgetting this incantation, tuck it into your ~/.bashrc


  First, ensure that z3 is on your PATH:

    $ z3 -version
    Z3 version 2.16

  To check optmization 'foo.rwr' run:

    $ ./bin/pec foo.rwr

  For more options see:

    $ ./bin/pec --help

  To run the regression tests:

    $ ./script/test-parser.sh
    $ ./script/test-relate.sh

  Note that tests beginning with "n" are negative; we check that PEC fails
  on them. Tests beginning with "p" are positive; on these we check that
  PEC succeeds.


    PEC implementation in OCaml

    executables and object files from PEC build

    test cases for the parser and PEC checker respectively

    scripts for running PEC over test suites

    scratch space for scripts


  Consider the following simple rewrite rule to swap two constant


      orig x
      orig y


      x = 1;
      y = 2;


      y = 2;
      x = 1;

  The first section, DECLS, lets PEC know the type of metavariables used in
  the rewrite rule. In this case, it declares that x and y are "original"
  variables. Original variables represent locations whose final values must
  be preserved by the rewrite. This is in contrast to "temporary" variables
  which are fresh locations introduced by the rewrite; we do not require
  temporary locations to be preserved.

  The second section, FIND, represents a pattern to match against a
  fragment of the input program. In this case, our FIND pattern will match
  two assignments updating distinct locations to hold the values 1 and 2

  The third section, REPLACE, specifies how to rewrite code which matches
  the FIND pattern. In this case, we simply flip the order of the

  Next consider a simplified common subexpression elimination (CSE) rewrite:


      temp t
      orig x
      orig y
      expr E1
      expr E2


      x = E1 + E2 where noread(x);
      y = E2;


      t = E2;
      x = E1 + t;
      y = t;

  In this DECLS section we've introduced two new metavariable types: temp
  and expr. As mentioned above, temp signifies a fresh location introduced
  by the rewrite rule and we do not require such locations to be preserved.
  The expr declaration represents an arbitrary, pure program expression.

  This FIND pattern matches two assignments to distinct locations where the
  first assigns the sum of two expressions, E1 and E2, while the second
  only assigns the expression E2. Note the side condition "where noread(x)"
  after the first occurence of E2 in FIND pattern. This side condition
  restricts which expressions E2 can match. In this case it requires that
  the expression matching E2 at this point in the input program does not
  read the value of the location that x represents. Without this
  restriction on E2 our rewrite rule would be unsound, i.e. it could change
  the behavior of a program.

  Here the REPLACE pattern first evaluates E2, storing the result in t and
  then copies the FIND pattern, substituting t for E2 throughout.

  Now let's make our CSE rewrite more general by allowing some code to
  execute between the assignments to x and y:


      temp t
      orig x
      orig y
      expr E1
      expr E2
      stmt S


      x = E1 + E2 where noread(x);
      S where noaffect(E2);
      y = E2;


      t = E2;
      x = E1 + t;
      y = t;

  The DECLS section above introduces our final metavariable type: stmt. A
  stmt metavariable can match arbitrary program statements including
  branches, loops, and function calls.

  The FIND pattern adds the execution of S in between the assignments of x
  and y. The side condition "where noaffect(E2)" requires that any code S
  matches must not affect how expression E2 evaluates, i.e. E2 should
  evaluate to the same value before and after executing S.

  This brief overview covers the major features in PEC's rewrite rule
  language. In general, side conditions should only occur within FIND
  patterns and temporaries should only be found in REPLACE patterns. For
  more examples look at the test suite of rewrite rules under
  $PEC/test/relate. In this directory, files beginning with "n-" are
  negative tests; PEC should fail to validate them. Files beginning with
  "p-" are positive tests; PEC should be able to validate them.


  There are four types of metavariables:

    orig : location in the input program
           must be preserved

    temp : fresh location introduced by the rewrite
           no need to preserve

    expr : pure program expression
           i.e. evaluation causes no side effects
           so pure function calls are OK

    stmt : program statement
           includes function calls, branches, loops
           assumed update state arbitrarily

  E where noread(x)

    Expression E evaluates to the same value regardless of what value is
    stored at location x

  S where nowrite(x)

    Statment S does not change the value stored at location x.

  S where noaffect(E)

    Statement S does not change how expression E evaluates,
    i.e. E evaluates to the same value before and after S.

  S1 where nodisturb(S2)

    S1 does not write to any location S2 reads from or writes to.
    This means that S2; S1; S2 is the equivalent to S2; S1.


  Please send questions, bug reports, or feature requests to:

    Zach Tatlock

Thanks for checking out PEC!



Language:OCaml 95.2%Language:Shell 2.5%Language:Python 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.7%