zsnmwy / windmill-advanced-image

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Windmill Advanced Image


Automatically build images base on windmill images.

Make up for the shortcomings of the official image.

Only trigger the build when the windmill release exactly version. 1.110, 1.117 etc.


  • Check the official image version By Github Actions - check.yml Every hours.

  • If the official image version is updated, the latest image information windmill-tags.json will commit to master branch.

    skopeo list-tags docker://ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill | tee windmill-tags.json

  • The Github Actions - build.yaml will be triggered again, and the image will be generated and pushed to the GHCR.

It will be scan the Docker folders. And use the matrix feature of the Github Action to build the image.

If the folders has these files.

├── Docker
│   ├── Helm
│   └── OCR

Will be get these images.

  • Both build the CE and EE version. ce and ee.
  • The dockerfile name will be translate to the image tag name. Upper case to lower case. Helm -> helm, OCR -> ocr.
  • The image tag will be add the windmill version. ce-helm-1.117, ee-helm-1.117, ce-ocr-1.117, ee-ocr-1.117.
# The windmill version is 1.117.



  • Pull the image from the GHCR if the image meets your expect.
docker pull ghcr.io/zsnmwy/windmill:ce-helm-1.117
  • Fork this repo and add your own Dockerfile.

  • Contributing your Dockerfile to this repo.


The Dockerfile is must be accept the --build-arg WINDMILL_VERSION=xxxx to build the image.


ARG WINDMILL_VERSION=ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill:main


The CI will be pass the WINDMILL_VERSION to the Dockerfile.

- name: Build and push
    uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
    context: .
    platforms: linux/amd64
    push: true
    file: Docker/${{matrix.docker_files}}
    # here
    build-args: |
    tags: |
        ghcr.io/${{ github.repository_owner }}/windmill:ee-${{env.image_name}}-${{env.windmill_version}}
