zqhxuyuan / canvas-node

Canvas Contracts Chain - Node Implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a node implementation for Canvas, a Substrate chain for smart contracts.

It uses Substrate's smart contract module ‒ the contracts pallet.


The master branch is currently tracking Substrate master in order to include various fixes. Therefore, it may not build if there are breaking changes.


Follow the official installation steps to set up all Substrate prerequisites.

Afterwards you can install this node via

cargo install canvas-node --git https://github.com/paritytech/canvas-node.git --force

If it fails to build/install, add the cargo --locked flag. The installation process will then use the same versions as the Cargo.lock in this repository to ensure that the most recent working version of Substrate will be used.

The latest confirmed working Substrate commit which will then be used is f6b1197b2a773ed003fc46823cd47d82190c22b6.


To run a local dev node execute

canvas --dev --tmp

The --tmp implies that a new chain will be created each time the command is executed. If you want to persist chain state across runs leave it away.

To run testnet-1 execute

canvas --chain=./res/testnet-1.json

Running as a parachain

The rococo-v1 branch contains an experimental implementation which allows running canvas-node as a parachain.

It tracks the rococo-v1 branches of substrate, polkadot and cumulus.


Canvas Contracts Chain - Node Implementation


Language:Rust 96.3%Language:Shell 3.7%