zpooky / sp-tree-sitter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


git submodule update --init npm install -g tree-sitter-cli poetry install

poetry run python .

git clone https://github.com/tree-sitter/py-tree-sitter.git https://pypi.org/project/tree-sitter/ https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter


nvim treesitter example module using AST

https://github.com/p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow/blob/master/lua/rainbow/internal.lua https://github.com/p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow/blob/adad3ea7eb820b7e0cc926438605e7637ee1f5e6/lua/rainbow/internal.lua " API"


syn keyword cGlobalVariable <Variable>
" Unfortunately, the granularity for removal of syntax items is limited to whole syntax groups (here: cGlobalVariable)
syn clear cGlobalVariable

au Syntax c call MyCadd() function MyCadd() syn keyword cMyItem contained Ni syn cluster cCommentGroup add=cMyItem hi link cMyItem Title endfun


--- Highlight range between two positions
--@param bufnr    number of buffer to apply highlighting to
--@param ns       namespace to add highlight to
--@param higroup  highlight group to use for highlighting
--@param rtype    type of range (:help setreg, default charwise)
--@param inclusive boolean indicating whether the range is end-inclusive (default false)
function highlight.range(bufnr, ns, higroup, start, finish, rtype, inclusive)
  rtype = rtype or 'v'
  inclusive = inclusive or false

  -- sanity check
  if start[2] < 0 or finish[1] < start[1] then return end

  local region = vim.region(bufnr, start, finish, rtype, inclusive)
  for linenr, cols in pairs(region) do
    api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, ns, higroup, linenr, cols[1], cols[2])

TODO better tree refresh



├── highlighter.lua
├── language.lua
├── languagetree.lua
└── query.lua

--- Registers callbacks for the parser
-- @param cbs An `nvim_buf_attach`-like table argument with the following keys :
--  `on_bytes` : see `nvim_buf_attach`, but this will be called _after_ the parsers callback.
--  `on_changedtree` : a callback that will be called every time the tree has syntactical changes.
--      it will only be passed one argument, that is a table of the ranges (as node ranges) that
--      changed.
--  `on_child_added` : emitted when a child is added to the tree.
--  `on_child_removed` : emitted when a child is removed from the tree.
function LanguageTree:register_cbs(cbs)

function! s:FoldableRegion(tag, name, expr)
  let synexpr = 'syntax region ' . a:name . ' ' . a:expr
  let pfx = 'g:lua_syntax_fold_'
  if !exists('g:lua_syntax_nofold') || exists(pfx . a:tag) || exists(pfx . a:name)
    let synexpr .= ' fold'
  exec synexpr

" Symbols
call s:FoldableRegion('table', 'luaTable',
      \ 'transparent matchgroup=luaBraces start="{" end="}" contains=@luaExpr')

TODO local shadow of global variable

TODO: __malloc gets highligted

extern __printf(3, 0)
char *devm_kvasprintf() __malloc;

	(declaration (storage_class_specifier)
	 type: (macro_type_specifier 
				  name: (identifier)
				 (ERROR (number_literal) 
							  (type_descriptor type: (primitive_type) declarator: (abstract_pointer_declarator))
				 type: (type_descriptor type: 
							 declarator: (abstract_function_declarator parameters: (parameter_list))) (MISSING ")")
	) declarator: (identifier))
__malloc: global:True


static int global_static_init = 1;
extern char* global_extern_init = "wasd";
const char* global_extern_init = "wasd";

const float global_data_init = 1.f;
volatile float global_volatile_data_init = global_data_init;

TODO ~/sources/neovim/runtime/doc/treesitter.txt
<Create a parser for_ a buffer and a given language (if_ another plugin uses the
same buffer/language combination, it will be safely reused) Use >
    parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(bufnr, lang)

NB: to use the parser directly inside a |nvim_buf_attach| Lua callback, you must
call get_parser() before you register your callback. But preferably parsing
shouldnt be done directly in_ the change callback anyway as they will be very
frequent. Rather a plugin that does any kind of analysis on a tree should use
a timer to throttle too frequent updates.
- Registers callbacks for the parser
@param cbs An `nvim_buf_attach`-like table argument with the following keys :
 `on_bytes` : see `nvim_buf_attach`, but this will be called _after_ the parsers callback.
 !! `on_changedtree` : a callback that will be called every time the tree has syntactical changes.  it will only be passed one argument, that is a table of the ranges (as node ranges) that changed.
 `on_child_added` : emitted when a child is added to the tree.
 `on_child_removed` : emitted when a child is removed from the tree.
 function LanguageTree:register_cbs(cbs)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 97.8%Language:Python 1.6%Language:Makefile 0.6%