zph / capstan

Capstan's goal is to reduce the human labor and errors involved in safety checks when performing major changes to complex systems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Capstan is a framework for running a series of actions with pre-checks and post-checks. It defines three main classes: Command, Action, and Controller.

Capstan's goal is to reduce the human labor and errors involved in safety checks when performing major changes to complex systems such as infrastructure, while being generic enough to be used in any environment.

See examples for a full example.


To use this framework, you will create instances of the Command, Check, Action, and Controller classes, and then call the run() method of the Controller instance.

For example:

import { Action, Check, Command, Controller } from "./main.ts";

// Define commands
const Command = new Command({
  name: "My Command",
  fn: async () => {
    console.log("Executing my command...");
    // Perform some operation
    return true;

// Define checks
const PreCheck = new Check({
  name: "My Pre-check",
  fn: async () => {
    console.log("Checking pre-condition...");
    // Perform some check and return true if the command should run
    return true;

const PostCheck = new Check({
  name: "My Post-check",
  fn: async () => {
    console.log("Checking post-condition...");
    // Perform some check and return true if checks are successful
    return true;

// Define an action
const ExampleAction = new Action({
  name: "My Action",
  command: Command,
  preChecks: [PreCheck],
  postChecks: [PostCheck],
  failFast: true,

// Create a controller and run the action
const controller = new Controller({
  actions: [ExampleAction],

await controller.run();

In this example, we define a command (myCommand), two checks (myPreCheck and myPostCheck), and an action (myAction) that includes the command and checks. We then create a Controller instance with the action and call its run() method to execute the action.



The Command class represents a single command or task to be executed. It has two properties:

  • name: A string representing the name of the command.
  • fn: A function that returns a Promise, which is the actual command to be executed.


The Check class extends the Command class and is used to define pre-checks and post-checks for an action.


The Action class represents a single action that consists of pre-checks, a command, and post-checks. It has the following properties:

  • preChecks: An array of Check objects representing the pre-checks to be executed before the command.
  • command: A Command object representing the main command to be executed.
  • postChecks: An array of Check objects representing the post-checks to be executed after the command.
  • name: A string representing the name of the action.
  • failFast: A boolean indicating whether the action should stop executing if any pre-check or post-check fails.

The Action class has two main methods:

  1. runChecks(checks: Check[]): This method executes an array of checks and returns an object containing a boolean proceed property indicating whether all checks passed, and a results array containing the results of each check.

  2. run(): This method executes the entire action. It first runs the pre-checks, then the main command, and finally the post-checks. If any pre-check or post-check fails and failFast is set to true, the action stops executing.


The Controller class manages the execution of multiple actions. It has the following property:

  • actions: An array of Action objects representing the actions to be executed.

The Controller class has a single method:

  • run(): This method iterates over the actions array and executes each action using the run() method of the Action class. If an action fails, an error is logged to the console.


Capstan's goal is to reduce the human labor and errors involved in safety checks when performing major changes to complex systems

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%