zosmac / godep

GO module package DEPendency graph.

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Welcome to Godep: Go module package dependency graph


The godep command parses the Go module in the current directory using the standard library's go/ast package. It builds a package dependency graph for the Graphviz dot command that produces a SVG file for display.

Installing Godep

The godep command depends on Graphviz. To download and install Graphviz, select a stable release, download its tar file, build, and install.

tar xzvf =(curl -L "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/4207231/packages/generic/graphviz-releases/7.1.0/graphviz-7.1.0.tar.gz")
cd graphviz-7.1.0
sudo make install

With the dot command in place, download and install Godep:

go install github.com/zosmac/godep@latest

Using Godep

The godep command takes no arguments. Set the current directory to that for a Go language module, defined by a go.mod file. Direct the standard output to a SVG file and open in a browser.

() {
  godep >$1
  mv $1 $1.svg
  open $1.svg
  sleep 1
  rm $1.svg
} `mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX`

gomon module package dependencies


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GO module package DEPendency graph.



Language:Go 100.0%