zoomyboy / z-ui

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


First of all, you should add the following webpack alias to you webpack config file to make sure all styles are loaded properly:

	resolve: {
		alias: {
			"uiStyle.less": "z-ui/less/style.less",
			'inputmask.dependencyLib': 'vue-inputmask/3rd/inputmask.dependencyLib'

Table component

<vf-table :headings="[
		title: 'Nachname',	// Title of column in header
		data: 'lastname'	// Data of obbject to display
		type: 'string'		// Type of column content (not required; default: string)
	{title: 'Vorname', data: 'firstname'},
	{title: 'Adresse', data: 'address'}


Set the Headings for the table - choose between different types



This should always be 'icon' for icon type
Each icon in the 'icons'-Array is an object with the color of the displayed icon, the Font-Awesome class (without the'fa-'-Prefix) and the associated value of that icon.
If the cell value cannot be found in any value Property of the given icons-Array, an empty string is returned.

	title: 'Gender',
	data: 'gender',
	type: 'icon',
	icons: [	//Icons to choose from
			value: 1,	//Value of the icon - when the cell has this value, the icon is displayed
			icon: 'venus',	//Font-Awesome class - this will be rendered as "fa fa-venus"
			color: 'red'	//Color of the icon (you can specify any CSS-Value, e.g. #f245aa)
		{value: 0, icon: 'mars', color: 'blue'}


<vf-table :headings="[{title: 'Vorname', data: 'firstname'}]" :noactions="true"></vf-table>

If the noactions-Property is provided and false (it's true by default), no action bar and column is shown at all - only the raw data.


Set further actions to display. The actions will be displayed in each row in the 'actions column' near the default 'edit' and 'delete' buttons. For each action, you can either specify a href or a route Prop.

actions: [
		icon: 'user',		//Font-Awesome class to choose from
		target: "_BLANK",		//Target for the link - as in the target attr of 'a'-Tag (could be _SELF, _BLANK, etc). Only used when 'target' is set - not when 'route' is set
		route: "user.index",	// Route name to link to
		href: "infoUrl"	// Href Target of property of row object. This will get the value of 'row.infoUrl' - if the object of the row has an 'infoUrl' Property (should be a full normal http-link)



Language:Vue 81.6%Language:JavaScript 16.3%Language:CSS 2.1%