zooldk / xmpp-server-benchmarks

XMPP Server Benchmarks with various scenarios and tools to setup the servers (uses tsung)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

XMPP Server Benchmarks

Build Status

This repository should evolve to a fully automated server benchmark suite which tests various example scenarios using tsung.

It's currently in a very early stage, but if you'd like that, you're welcome to contribute.

Testing the setup

To see whether the playbook works is using Vagrant and testing the automated provisioner.

To test using Vagrant, you need a working Virtualbox and Vagrant setup. Then:

xmpp-server-benchmark$ cd provisioning
xmpp-server-benchmark/provisioning$ vagrant up

Repeated provisions you can run using:

xmpp-server-benchmark/provisioning$ vagrant provision

Running on ec2

Make sure you have boto (python-boto) installed before you proceed.

You can either create a file ~/.boto for your AWS access/secret keys or specify it on the commandline using AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY.

After that, you should be able to run the benchmarks using:

$> AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 ansible-playbook -i provisioning/ec2 provisioning/ec2.yml

Replace the region with your preferred AWS region.

The default configuration will provision and run the tests on 1 tsung / 1 xmpp server. If you want to test with more, start the provisioning like this and replace the two counts with want you'd like to have:

$> AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 ansible-playbook -i provisioning/ec2 --extra-vars "client_count=1 server_count=3" provisioning/ec2.yml

Contributing scenarios

In order to contribute a scenario you need to make three changes:

  1. Add your scenario template as a jinja2 template to the directory provisioning/roles/scenarios/templates/
  2. Let the scenarios role copy your template on provisioning by adding an entry to provisioning/roles/scenarios/tasks/main.yml
  3. Add your scenario to the enabled_scenarios list in provisioning/group_vars/all

Contributing servers to test

Please have a look at an existing server setup in order to see how to do it.

  1. Take a look into the ejabberd role (provisioning/roles/ejabberd)
  2. Add your own role (or roles) (possibly by reusing one from ansible galaxy)
  3. Add the new role to provisioning/setup.yml
  4. Configure the server as enabled in provisioning/group_vars/all similar to existing entries


  • Basic ansible & vagrant setup
  • Automated ejabberd setup incl. config
  • Automated MongooseIM setup incl. config
  • Basic tsung scenario for testing
  • Automated start of configured servers based on what to test & test them
  • Automated collection of tsung results back from the testing server
  • EC2 setup
  • Validate results are correct
  • Automate publishing of reports on a GH-Page (maybe)
  • Automated Prosody setup incl. config
  • Automated Tigase setup incl. config


XMPP Server Benchmarks with various scenarios and tools to setup the servers (uses tsung)

License:MIT License