zongyan86 / thing-translator

Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language

Home Page:https://oxism.com/thing-translator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Try the live demo here.

Thing Translator is a web app that lets you point your phone (or laptop) at stuff to hear to say it in a different language. It was developed as part of Google's AI Experiments project. You can try the app here.

Behind the scenes Thing Translator is using Google's Cloud Vision and Translate APIs.


To start a development server on 9966 that will watch for code changes simply run:

$ npm run dev

To optimize the output for production run:

$ npm run bundle

If you'd like to create a fork or a similar project, you'll need to setup some API keys on Google Cloud Platform.


Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 70.1%Language:CSS 26.4%Language:HTML 3.5%