zonble / flutter_open_chinese_convert

Open Chinese Convert for Flutter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


pub package Build License: MIT

flutter_open_chinese_convert bridges OpenCC (開放中文轉換) to your Flutter projects. You can use the package to convert Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese, and vise versa.

The package supports various conversion options:

  • S2T: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.
  • T2S: Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese.
  • S2HK: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard).
  • HK2S: Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) to Simplified Chinese.
  • S2TW: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard).
  • TW2S: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese.
  • S2TWp: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) with Taiwanese idiom.
  • TW2Sp: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese with Mainland Chinese idiom.


All you need to do is to call ChineseConverter.convert with what you wan to convert and a conversion option. For example:

import 'package:flutter_open_chinese_convert/flutter_open_chinese_convert.dart';

var text = '鼠标里面的硅二极管坏了,导致光标分辨率降低。';
var result = await ChineseConverter.convert(text, S2TWp());
// 滑鼠裡面的矽二極體壞了,導致游標解析度降低。

For further information, please visit:


Open Chinese Convert for Flutter

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 37.4%Language:Dart 34.2%Language:Ruby 16.6%Language:Kotlin 11.7%Language:Objective-C 0.1%