zompi2 / I-ve-got-s-t-to-do

A racing game made for a Global Game Jam 2019

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I've got sht to do! A Global Game Jam 2019 game

Home is where phone connects to WiFi by itself. Home is a place where you can eat whatever you want. Home is a place, where you can take your business in peace. Some people can't poop in strange places. And they can do it only at home. If urgent needs strikes again - drive as fast as possible to home before the disaster will happen! This is not an easy task, though. It's dark, it's raining, the road is wet and slippery and there are a lot of obstacles. Awake an excelent driver in you and drift to you home quickly!

This is a source of a racing game where you race against your poor stomach. You can play using W/S/A/D/Space or Gamepad.


You can download working game from here: https://zompi.itch.io/ive-got-st-to-do
You can watch how it looks like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chrbh6JUInI


More about this project here: https://zompidev.blogspot.com/2019/02/ive-got-st-to-do.html


A racing game made for a Global Game Jam 2019