zoechi / emacs-bitwarden

Emacs Bitwarden command wrapper.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Emacs Bitwarden

A Bitwarden command wrapper for Emacs.


To use this package you will need the Bitwarden CLI.

Automatic unlock

Bitwarden has a concept of locking which is different from logging in. For two-factor authentication, this means that only logging in will require your 2fa token.

As a convenience, you can store your master password in your OS keychain and use the bitwarden-automatic-unlock variable. For example, to temporarily set the auth-source to the macos keychain and then query that,

(setq bitwarden-automatic-unlock
      (let* ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet))
             (matches (auth-source-search :user "sean@farley.io"
                                          :host "bitwarden.farley.in"
                                          :require '(:secret)
                                          :max 1))
             (entry (nth 0 matches)))
        (plist-get entry :secret)))


There is read-only support for auth-source as well. You can run bitwarden-auth-source-enable to enable it. For example,

(auth-source-search :host "github.com")

will return all logins that match github.com.


Emacs Bitwarden command wrapper.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%