zodoz / URLChecker

Searches a website for broken links.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What this does

This is a basic URL tester that has certainly been done before. Currently, the code will have to be modified to work with another site, but this should work rather well otherwise.

Why I did this

I was able to find other URL checkers out there, but what I needed that I could not find was a checker which would allow me to filter the broken link results to only those which come from certain directories. So that is what I did. This code learns every link on a website and know where the links came from and where that page links to (assuming the link is internal to the site).

Right now, this is more of a personal project to quickly solve a problem I am having. If others are interested, I would be happy to work on this code and put a GUI on it as well as make it easier to use. Just let me know.


Searches a website for broken links.


Language:Java 100.0%