zodoz / OpenGL-Multimodels

Model class for OpenGL to allow multiple models to render at once.

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OpenGL Multiple Model Test

This program tests the rendering of multiple models via classes. Specifically, I have created a class Model which makes rendering of a model much easier:


Please examine the Tri class for a quick example of how to create a new model extending Model, the main requirement is that a void buildModel() function be specified.

Note on rendering

For the purposes of the class which I created this for, we typically did rendering via:

glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertexCount);

If you would like to create a custom rendering funtion, simply override bool customRender() and return true. This will tell Model not to render via the above code.


Model class for OpenGL to allow multiple models to render at once.


Language:C 98.1%Language:C++ 1.9%