znalo / capitalism-10.5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Capitalism 10.5

Simulation project based on the General Theory of Value

General platform for simulating period circuit representations of a capitalist economy such as Marx's Schemas of reproduction, circuitist approaches, physiocracy or plain old circular flow of income.

A port of Capitalism 9.0 which was written in JavaFX. Details of the rationale and features are still hosted in the README file of that project

To contact me use alan.freeman@umanitoba.ca: I haven't been able to add this to my github profile, for reasons I don't understand.

Production version

At 30 January 2022 this is now running at this experimental site


Project 1

Too much money is allocated to industries in the distribution stage


1 February 2022

  • Fixed problems with tables because jquery version was wrong
  • Fixed trace display did not display all entries
  • The above migrated to the live site

2 February 2022

  • Improvements to trace display
  • Fixed problem in the investment step, in which replenishment demand was incorrectly calculated
  • The above migrated to the live site

2 february 2022 pm

  • Fixed problem that project table needs to be initialized by the administrator, for all users to avail themselves of
  • Began study of project 3

4 February

  • Created new model 'Simulation Parameters'
    • Abstracts from 'TimeStamp' all fields that will remain constant throughout a simulation
    • A single standard parameter object is created at signup, on a per-user basis
  • Created Scaffolded User Dashboard. Here the user will be able to
    • Create simulations
    • Manage existing simulations The User Dashboard replaces the project selection option

5 February

  • New model debugged and tested
  • Next step is to flesh out the user dashboard

6 February

  • Added a form to create a new simulation
  • Installed crispy with bootstrap5 (NOTE this will require a pip install in production)

7 February

  • New simulation form is working, but with very primitive validation
  • Next steps:
    • better information to the user about which simulation is actually running
    • switch simulation functionality
    • delete simulation functionality
    • restart simulation functionality
    • debug the actual simulations (ONLY simple reproduction is working)

7 February

  • Can now switch simulations
  • Next steps:
    • Test that we are returning to the latest state of the selected simulation
    • Display some information about the selected simulation
    • debug the actual simulations
    • postpone the delete and restart functionality for now?

8 February

  • A halfway house: internal changes to the models implemented, but dashboard functionality now needs to be restored

8 February

  • Dashboard functionality restored: user can create and switch simulations, but cannot delete, restart, download or upload yet
  • We now resume work on debugging the actual projects

This version now running at www.dascapital.org

10 February

  • Now working for multiple periods (with simple reproduction)
  • Next steps:
    • Delete simulation
    • Restart simulation
    • Eliminate project 3 (now redundant)
    • Scaffold an about page
    • Complete the refactoring by making 'simulation' the parameter for all actions

10 February

  • Added rudimentary 'about' page

11 February

  • Cleaner Dashboard with delete simulation facility

12 February

  • Gradually moving all the activities associated with a user, to the current_simulation of a user
  • This is not quite complete, but got us to the point where we can run project 4 though we haven't fully checked the result

13 February

14 February

  • price response variable incorporated, along with economy-wide profit rate. However this is not yet displayed. It is Traced, however.

15 February

  • refactored to simplify comparator logic
  • we now display the economy-wide data (initial capital, current capital, profit, profit rate)

17 February

  • fixes to comparator logic, fixes to capital calculations

17 February

  • Trace List can now select level of detail to display. Rudimentary implementation, should be done with dropdown list or spinner, but is helpful

18 February

  • Debugged a fault in trade in which industries end up with less money than they should
  • A good opportunity to sharpen up the Trace reporting

18 February

  • This one seems to run right through without obvious error so I will migrate it to the site
  • Doesn't do profit rate equalization yet (or at least if it does, I didn't verify it)
  • But the Trace is much more helpful especially for bug tracking, and the logic seems to work OK

18 February

  • gonna rip it up
  • wiped out migrations and database, encouraged by conversation with Ambrose Andrews, and push it over to the server
  • understand origins

19 February

  • removed another couple of bugs in the investment algorithm.
  • Project 1 now runs from start to finish of a cycle, and ends up in the same state - which is what should in fact happen
  • This version installed on server and tested

20 February

  • Improvements to comparator display to make changes more easily visible
  • Debug price and value calculations

21 February

  • More fixes to comparator display. This is needed to debug the price revaluation logic, which is still faulty
  • MAJOR CHANGE: added new 'stage' M'-M to separate out revenue and investment. Renamed the early parts of 'distribute' to 'reproduce'.
  • This makes it much clearer what goes on in each stage of the circuit
  • As far as I can see, project 5 (Equal Profit Rate Price calculation) is now working, but we have not yet recalculated the MELT. This will be the next stage. In addition, the project 5 numbers should be made a little more realistic since the profit rate disparity between industries is rather large.



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