zmrow / Udacity_logs_analysis

Logs analysis project for the Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Udacity Logs Analysis Project

This project is a simple CLI reporting tool based on tables in a PostgreSQL database.

The tool runs three reports for answers to the following questions:

  • What are the most popular three articles of all time?
  • Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
  • On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?

Quick start

First you must have the PostgreSQL newsdata.sql database running from the FSND virtual machine.

  • From the 'vagrant' directory, run vagrant up.
  • SSH to the virtual machine with vagrant ssh.
  • Connect to the psql database with psql -d news
  • We'll need to create two database views for the reporting tool to work properly:
CREATE view fourohfours as
  SELECT date_trunc('day', time) "day", count(status) as totals
  FROM log
  WHERE status = '404 NOT FOUND'
  GROUP by day;

CREATE view request_totals as
  SELECT date_trunc('day', time) "day", count(status) as totals
  FROM log
  GROUP by day;
  • Provided the above views are created, you should be able to run the reporting tool as:
  • Win!

What's what

The repo has only a few files:

  • this is the main entrypoint for the application
  • this encapsulates the database connection logic

Example output

--- Three most popular articles of all time ---
Candidate is jerk, alleges rival -- 338647 views
Bears love berries, alleges bear -- 253801 views
Bad things gone, say good people -- 170098 views

--- Most popular authors of all time ---
Ursula La Multa -- 507594 views
Rudolf von Treppenwitz -- 423457 views
Anonymous Contributor -- 170098 views
Markoff Chaney -- 84557 views

--- More than 1% of requests lead to errors ---
07/17/2016 -- 2.26%


Logs analysis project for the Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree


Language:Python 100.0%