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一、如何创建iMart账户?How to create an iMart account?

本指南将介绍在 iMart上开始买卖NFT之前需要做的准备工作。

This guide will cover the things you need to do before you open an account on iMart and start buying and selling NFTs.

1)数字货币 WICP

  1. Digital Currency WICP

Coinbase币安 这样的数字货币交易平台获得ICP, 然后在 Sonic 上兑换成 WICP。创建NFT,购买NFT是需要通过WICP来完成的。

持有WICP后, 还需要创建一个加密钱包Plug。

You can get ICP from crypto exchanges such as coinbase and Binance, and then swap it for WICP on sonic. WICP is needed when minting and purchasing NFT.

Now that you have WICP, we also need a Crypto Wallet Plug.

2) 加密钱包 Plug

加密钱包Plug 在区块链上存储ICP和WICP,以及处理交易。 Plug钱包会生成一个独一无二的Principal ID 和 地址 ID (Address ID)。 同时,Plug钱包通过 Principal ID 将用户浏览器上的交易操作转换为区块链上的交易。


持有数字货币 WICP 和加密钱包Plug后,在iMart上连接钱包。

Crypto Wallet Plug.

The Crypto Wallet Plug stores your ICP and WICP on the blockchain, and processes your transactions. Plug wallet will generate a unique Principal Id and Address Id for you. At the same time, you will use your principal id to convert your transaction operations on the browser to transactions on the blockchain through the Plug wallet.

All transaction records through the Plug wallet can be viewed in the Plug's Activity. So it's best to check the Activity's transaction history after each transaction.

Now that you have the digital currency WICP and the Crypto Wallet Plug, you can connect your wallet to iMart.

3) iMart

首先,连接钱包。点击右上角的”Connect Wallet“ 按钮,系统会提示连接Plug钱包。

Now, connect your Plug wallet to iMart and edit your profile so that you're ready to use the platform.

After entering iMart, click “Connect Wallet” icon at top right, and it will automatically prompt you to connect your Plug wallet.


点击“Sign in with Plug” 之后,系统会提示允许钱包连接。

Click "Sign in with Plug", and it will automatically prompt you to allow it.


点击Allow授权之后,连接钱包就完成了。钱包界面xxxxx,Principal ID 和Account IDxxxxxx。

After clicking “Allow” for authorization, you will see your Principal ID and Account ID. Here, the connection to your wallet is completed.


然后,编辑你的个人资料。点击导航栏的“My profile” 来个性化定制你的账户,更新你的个人资料,包含你的用户名、头像照片和横幅封面。


Your account is "Unnamed" by default, and only your Principal ID, Account ID and your balance are displayed below.

You can personalize your account by clicking "My profile" in the navigation bar and update your profile which includes your username, profile photo and banner cover.


现在你都准备好了!开始享受你的iMart NFT之旅吧!

Now you are all set! Start enjoying your iMart NFT journey!
