zlodes / testbench

[Package] Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development

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Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development

Testbench Component is a simple package that has been designed to help you write tests for your Laravel package, especially when there is routing involved.

tests Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Version Compatibility

Laravel Testbench
5.0.x 3.0.x
5.1.x 3.1.x
5.2.x 3.2.x
5.3.x 3.3.x
5.4.x 3.4.x
5.5.x 3.5.x
5.6.x 3.6.x
5.7.x 3.7.x
5.8.x 3.8.x
6.x 4.x
7.x 5.x
8.x 6.x

Getting Started

Before going through the rest of this documentation, please take some time to read the Package Development section of Laravel's own documentation, if you haven't done so yet.


To install through composer, run the following command from terminal:

composer require --dev "orchestra/testbench"

You can also setup Testbench to auto discover packages by updating "scripts" on the package composer.json:

    "scripts": {
        "post-autoload-dump": [
            "@php vendor/bin/testbench package:discover --ansi"


To use Testbench Component, all you need to do is extend Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase instead of PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase. The fixture app booted by Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase is predefined to follow the base application skeleton of Laravel 6.


class TestCase extends Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase

Custom Service Provider

To load your package service provider, override the getPackageProviders.

protected function getPackageProviders($app)
    return ['Acme\AcmeServiceProvider'];

Custom Aliases

To load your package alias, override the getPackageAliases.

protected function getPackageAliases($app)
    return [
        'Acme' => 'Acme\Facade'

Overriding setUp() method

Since Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase replace Laravel's Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase, if you need your own setUp() implementation, do not forget to call parent::setUp() and make sure proper declaration compatibility:

 * Setup the test environment.
protected function setUp(): void

    // Your code here

Setup Environment

If you need to add something early in the application bootstrapping process (which executed between registering service providers and booting service providers) you could use the getEnvironmentSetUp() method:

 * Define environment setup.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Foundation\Application  $app
 * @return void
protected function getEnvironmentSetUp($app)
    // Setup default database to use sqlite :memory:
    $app['config']->set('database.default', 'testbench');
    $app['config']->set('database.connections.testbench', [
        'driver'   => 'sqlite',
        'database' => ':memory:',
        'prefix'   => '',

Setup Environment using Annotation

New in Testbench Core 4.4 is the ability to use @environment-setup annotation to customise use of getEnvironmentSetUp specific for each test.

protected function useMySqlConnection($app) 
    $app->config->set('database.default', 'mysql');

protected function useSqliteConnection($app)
    $app->config->set('database.default', 'sqlite');

 * @environment-setup useMySqlConnection
public function testItCanBeConnectedWithMySql()
    // write your tests

 * @environment-setup useSqliteConnection
public function testItCanBeConnectedWithSqlite()
    // write your tests

Memory SQLite Connection

To reduce setup configuration, you could use testing database connection (:memory: with sqlite driver) via setting it up under getEnvironmentSetUp() or by defining it under PHPUnit Configuration File:


    // ...

        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="testing"/>


Overriding Console Kernel

You can easily swap Console Kernel for application bootstrap by overriding resolveApplicationConsoleKernel() method:

 * Resolve application Console Kernel implementation.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Foundation\Application  $app
 * @return void
protected function resolveApplicationConsoleKernel($app)
    $app->singleton('Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel', 'Acme\Testbench\Console\Kernel');

Overriding HTTP Kernel

You can easily swap HTTP Kernel for application bootstrap by overriding resolveApplicationHttpKernel() method:

 * Resolve application HTTP Kernel implementation.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Foundation\Application  $app
 * @return void
protected function resolveApplicationHttpKernel($app)
    $app->singleton('Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel', 'Acme\Testbench\Http\Kernel');

Overriding Application Timezone

You can also easily override application default timezone, instead of the default "UTC":

 * Get application timezone.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Foundation\Application  $app
 * @return string|null
protected function getApplicationTimezone($app)
    return 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur';

Using Migrations

Package developer should be using ServiceProvider::loadMigrationsFrom() feature to automatically handle migrations for packages.

$this->artisan('migrate', ['--database' => 'testbench'])->run();

Using Laravel Migrations

By default Testbench doesn't execute the default Laravel migrations which include users and password_resets table. In order to run the migration just add the following command:


You can also set specific database connection to be used by adding --database options:

$this->loadLaravelMigrations(['--database' => 'testbench']);

Running Testing Migrations

To run migrations that are only used for testing purposes and not part of your package, add the following to your base test class:

 * Setup the test environment.
protected function setUp(): void

    $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/database/migrations');
    // and other test setup steps you need to perform
Notes and Considerations
  • Your migration files has to suite Laravel's convention, e.g. 0000_00_00_000000_create_package_test_tables.php.
  • You may choose to put your migrations folder in tests/database/.
  • You may choose to change your test-migrations class name to be different from the published class names, e.g. from CreateUsersTable to CreateUsersTestTable or otherwise you may encounter composer class loader collision.

Using Legacy Model Factories

Laravel 8 shipped with class based Factories which you can autoload using Composer. This is only needed when you want to retain the legacy model factories.

Testbench include withFactories() method to allow you to register custom model factory path for your test suite.


You also need to require the following:

composer require --dev "laravel/legacy-factories:^1.0.4"


To see a working example of testbench including how to set your configuration, check the file:

Artisan Command Helper

Introduced in Testbench 5.6 and 6.1 as experimental feature

testbench console command allows you to run artisan commands outside of Laravel. e.g:

./vendor/bin/testbench migrate


./vendor/bin/testbench passport:install

This would allows you to setup the testing environment before running phpunit instead of executing everything from within TestCase::setUp(). Behind the scene the command will boot a basic skeleton Laravel application similar to Testbench boot Laravel for testing.

In order for the testbench command to understand any required service providers or environment variables to be used when executing the "artisan" command you need to add the following testbench.yaml file on the project root directory.

  - DB_CONNECTION="mysql"
  - DB_USERNAME="homestead"
  - DB_PASSWORD="secret"

  - Laravel\Passport\PassportServiceProvider
Notes and Considerations
  • The command is currently designed to help testing, however you might be able to run other feature to help package development such as running ide-helper:models etc.
  • The command wouldn't work for file stubbing as the generated file will be based on the booted Laravel application and not your package directories.
  • The command is an experimental feature and will only be likely to be marked as stable in Testbench 7. Please try it out and report back any issues.

Alternative Testing

There also 3rd party packages that extends Testbench:


No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid.

RuntimeException: No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid.

This error would only occur if your test suite require usages of the encrypter. To solve this you can add a dummy APP_KEY or use a specific key to your application/package phpunit.xml.


    // ...

        <env name="APP_KEY" value="AckfSECXIvnK5r28GVIWUAxmbBSjTsmF"/>


Why Testbench doesn't include any of the App classes.

The reason Testbench remove all the classes is to make sure that you would never depends on it when developing Laravel Packages. Classes such as App\Http\Controllers\Controller and App\User are simple to be added but the problems with these classes is that it can be either:

  • Removed, moved to other location such as App\Models\User, or
  • Renamed using php artisan app:name Acme which would rename App\User to Acme\User.

Class 'GuzzleHttp\Client' not found

If you plan to use the new HTTP Client in Laravel 7, you need to include guzzlehttp/guzzle to your package's composer.json:

composer require "guzzlehttp/guzzle:^6.3.1"

We can't guarantee that any requirements in laravel/laravel will always be maintained as it is. Developer may remove any of the optional requirements such as guzzlehttp/guzzle, fideloper/proxy, fruitcake/laravel-cors or laravel/tinker.

Class 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory' not found

Starting from Laravel 8, Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory has been pushed to laravel/legacy-factories package in favor of class based Factories.

As package developers, you have the options to either split the package version for Laravel 8 from previous Laravel version and use the new class based Factories or require laravel/legacy-factories to make release while supporting lower versions as well. In both cases the packages will needs to require PHP 7.3 and above.

Note: The minimum PHP requirements is due to laravel/legacy-factories depending on illuminate/macroable.

In order to use legacy factories on packages development supporting Laravel 8 and below without splitting the release you can opt to use the following:

composer require --dev "laravel/legacy-factories:^1.0.4"

Next you need to ensure orchestra/testbench uses the minimum version supporting laravel/legacy-factories to avoid issues on CI environment (if you're running tests on each version of Laravel or using --prefer-lowest).

Laravel Minimum Versions
5.5 3.5.6
5.6 3.6.7
5.7 3.7.8
5.8 3.8.6
6.x 4.8.0
7.x 5.2.0

E.g: If you need to support minimum Laravel 5.6 here how the requirement should look like in composer.json:

    "require-dev": {
        "orchestra/testbench": "~3.6.7 || ~3.7.8 || ~3.8.6 || ^4.8 || ^5.2 || ^6.0"

Converted to new class based factories but still facing this error

You need to check all your TestCase and ensure that there is no call to $this->withFactories(), autoloading class based factories is handled by Composer and withFactories() is only needed for legacy based factories.

Missing Browser Kit support after testing on Laravel 5.4

Replace orchestra/testbench with orchestra/testbench-browser-kit and follow the installation guide.


[Package] Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%