zlmzju / part_reid

Code for ICCV2017 paper: Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification

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KeyError: 'normed_feature' not found

rohanchandra30 opened this issue · comments

In the extract_features method in the Extractor() class, there is a line:


I checked the _caffe.cpp file in ./caffe/python/caffe/_caffe.cpp and I then checked all the properties for net.blobs and 'normed_feature' was not one of them.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?


The key of normed_feature is the blob name defined in network architecture. You can find it in 'models/demo/test.prototxt'.

The key of normed_feature is the blob name defined in network architecture. You can find it in 'models/demo/test.prototxt'.