zknill / java-graphviz

Parse java packages, imports and classes into a graphviz image

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

java graphviz

Parse java code into a graphviz image.

The cli tool takes a directory and recurses to find all the java file. It then builds a graphviz output of those files.


Generate a graphviz graph from java files

java-graphviz -dir /directory/of/source/java/files 

Filter the output to a package prefix

java-graphviz -dir /directory/of/source/java/files -filter "com.site.my.package"

Color the output graph by node and it's links

java-graphviz -dir /directory/of/source/java/files -filter "com.site.my.package" -colorMap "com.site.my.package.MyClass=red"


This is an example from the parser test data directory:

java-graphviz -dir parser/fixtures/ -colorMap="parser.fixtures.single.MyClass=red"



Parse java packages, imports and classes into a graphviz image


Language:Go 93.4%Language:Java 6.6%