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42034502 Spring2017 Human-Computer Interaction Project by Ying SHEN @ SSE, TJU

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42034502 Spring2017 Human-Computer Interaction Project by Dr. Ying SHEN @ SSE, TJU

Bella Bell

a smart bell for IoT and smart home supporting iOS platform to controll your door and remind you with calendar and to-do list.

iOS Swift Node Python Raspberry PI license

How to Run

Just download the DoorBell from App Store, and run it!

or manually:

  • Front-end
    • Install third-party frameworks via CocoaPods
    • Build the DoorBell.xcworkspace file
  • Back-end
    • Install node modules via npm
    • Start the server via forever
  • Hardware
    • Set up the hardware facilities properly according to your actual condition


  • Sometimes ourselves are kept out since forgot taking keys, so it is better that there is a way to open the door after the door recognize our faces or our fingerprints.
  • When we in the room and someone knocks on the door, walked out of the room and confirmed the identity to open the door causes a lot of trouble.
  • People want to check whether the old and the child are at home to make sure they are out of dangerous at any time.
  • It is better that you know who is at home when you are out so that you can ask he/she do you a favor at home.
  • We hope we can celebrate when delighted or dispel annoyance when we are in trouble while there is only a silence.


  • Unlock
    • unlock door with Face Recognition
    • unlock door with touchID
    • unlock door with QR Code
  • Alert
    • Send Notification while meeting strangers
    • Chose to unlock or refuse while meeting strangers
  • Agenda
    • Access your calendar and remind you when you leave
  • Family
    • Notify when your following people leave or come in
    • Show the people in dormitory(home) in real time
  • Others
    • Play a happy song when you arrive home with a good mood
    • Tell a joke when you arrive home with a bad mood

Implemented Requirements

  • Face Cognition
  • Speech Cognition
  • IoT Project

Structures & Modules

Here is the whole architecture, App based on iOS platform is the boundary Class to the User, and it can only communicate with the back-end on the Ali Cloud. Thus, Ali Clound will communicate with the Hardware especially the Raspberry PI, it like the center of hardware part, and is responsible for the camera, face detection and comparison, emotion recognition.



In the front-end, we now use Swift to develop an iOS & watchOS app.

We use the MVC Pattern, which represents Model, View, Controller to implement the separation of View and Model. Thus, we can realize the dynamic design of the program and increase the code reuse.

We use some Third-Party Frameworks via CocoaPods, which show as follows:

Alamofire, Koloda, FSCalendar, SwiftyJSON, MBProgressHUD

You can see more details in the Podfile.

In the View layer, we use the Cocoa Touch Layer and its UIKit Framework to develop, make it convince to maintain the code. To improve the effectiveness, we have done a lot of things such as: Multithreaded parallelism, Native API, Automate code integration, optimizate certificate and signature mechanism. What's more, we use the UI Test and Unit Test to automate our workflow.


In the back-end, we use express framework to build a node.js application. Here is the API:

URL Method Description
/file Post upload the photo
/getFile Get get the photo from server
/unlock Post post the unlock message
/getUnlock Get get the unlock signal to decide open or not
/present Post post the people in room message in real time
/getPresent Get get the people in the room
/data Post post the similarity value
/getData Get get the similarity

To run the node.js app in server as daemon, we use forever CLI tool.

Cognitive Services

As we can see as following image, the whole architecture includes Raspberry PI, Camera, Cognitive Services, Motor, Spearker and Door. The Raspberry PI controls the camera, when someone takes a photo using camera, the Raspberry PI will send the photo to Face Recognition (Detection & Comparison) and Emotion Recognition. Then, the Face Recognition will inform Motor to open the door, and the Emotion Recognition will inform Voice Box to play audio.


Opening Door Using Face

In Bella Bell, the first lightspot is that we can open our room door using our face. To achieve this, what we do shows as follows :

  • Face Detection
  • Face Comparison
Face Detection

In order to open the door using our own face, we need to stored all our roommates' photos in database and detect the face of these photos to get FaceID Array which represents the face of different photos and will be used in Face Comparison. Then, we will capture a new photo using camera when someone wants to open the door using his face, and the new photo also need to get FaceID which will also be used in Face Comparison. To achieve this, we need to call Cognitive Services API. The first time we used Microsoft Cognitive Services, accociated code shows as follows:

def get_face_values(file_location):
	url = 'https://westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/face/v1.0/detect'
	key = 'ca99486b8b8744ba96d756e105c8275c'
	data = open(file_location, 'rb').read()
	headers = {
		'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
	return requests.request("POST", url=url, data=data, headers=headers).json()

However, in the beta version, when we try to open our door, we found that the dectection process is so slow, which make us wait for a long time to get the door opened, it make us impatient. After analyzing, we found the reason is that Microsoft server set up in foreign countries, which make the dectect process slow. So, we changed to use Face++ Cognitive Services. The code shows as follows:

def detect(imageFile):
    key = "LiRb3yg8xNdZ26KaaGWpBvocRntnNVpy"
    secret = "sfzfdDGKizGtGy9l-1c6-Yys9lz1Etmq"
	url = "https://api-cn.faceplusplus.com/facepp/v3/detect"
    file = open(imageFile,'rb').read()
    files = {
        #'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
        'image_file' : file
    params = {
        'api_key': key,
        'api_secret': secret,
    print res

As a result, we found that the speed of Face Detection improves visibly.

Face Comparison

After Face Dectection, the next step is to compare the photo captured by camera with photos stored in the database. We need to post FaceID-one(representing the photo from camera) and FaceID-two(representing one of photos stored in the database), then we will get the similarity back. Our rule is that if the similarity is greater than 70.0%, the door will open. Code using Microsoft Services as follow:

def get_compare_value(id1):
    headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'ca99486b8b8744ba96d756e105c8275c',
    id2 = '815a7784-676a-43aa-a215-beb7b1230760'
    body = {'faceId': id1, 'faceIds': [id2]}

    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com')
    conn.request("POST", "/face/v1.0/findsimilars?%s" % params, json.dumps(body), headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    data = response.read()
    dataJson = json.loads(data)
    return (dataJson)

As same as Face Detection Process, we changed to use Face++ Cognitive Services later for effectiveness:

def compare(face_token1,face_token2):
    url = 'https://api-cn.faceplusplus.com/facepp/v3/compare'
    params = {
        'api_key': 'LiRb3yg8xNdZ26KaaGWpBvocRntnNVpy',
        'api_secret': 'sfzfdDGKizGtGy9l-1c6-Yys9lz1Etmq',
        'face_token1':	face_token1,
        'face_token2':	face_token2
    a = time.time()
    r = requests.post(url, params=params,files=files)
    b = time.time()
    j = r.json()
    return j

Afterwards, we found that the time of posting a photo to Face++ Server and the time posting two photos to Face++ Server are a little difference. Therefore, in order to ensure the reliability and persistence of our photos and make the code more concise, we use the following code instead, this code will change the two steps into one step.

def compare(imageFile1,imageFile2):
    url = 'https://api-cn.faceplusplus.com/facepp/v3/compare'
    params = {
        'api_key': 'LiRb3yg8xNdZ26KaaGWpBvocRntnNVpy',
        'api_secret': 'sfzfdDGKizGtGy9l-1c6-Yys9lz1Etmq',
    file1 = open(imageFile1,'rb').read()
    file2 = open(imageFile2,'rb').read()
    files = {
        'image_file1' : file1,
        'image_file2' : file2
    a = time.time()
    r = requests.post(url, params=params,files=files)
    b = time.time()
    j = r.json()
    return j
Main Business Logic

We have stored all of our roommates' photos in database in Raspberry PI, and in the business logic we will traverse database to compare the photos captured by camera with all the photos in database. If similarity is greater than 70.0%, Bella Bell will regard you as host, and then will open door for you, recognize your emotion to play music for you(which will be introduce later). Here is the Logic code:

def deal_back(photo1,photo2):
    name = -1
    for i in range(0,3):
        photo2 =  '/home/pi/hci/306/%s.jpg'%i       
        compareApiJson = ourCompare.compare(imageFile1=photo1,imageFile2=photo2)
        if not compareApiJson['faces1']:
            print "error"
            face_token = compareApiJson['faces1'][0]['face_token']
            confidence = compareApiJson['confidence']
            print confidence
            if confidence > 70.0:
                name = i
    if name == -1:
def deal_host(face_token):
    s = "welcome back"
    #emotion to music
    analyzeApiJson = ourAnalyze.analyze(face_token=face_token)
    if not analyzeApiJson['faces']:
        print 'no emotion'
def deal_no_host():
    s = "You are not authorized , please contact Host Family"
    print s
Play Audio According To Emotion

Can you imagine? When you achieve a small goal and go back home, you will hear a happy song immediately after you open the door. And when you are sad, it will play a joke after opening the door. It is so warm. In our Bella Bell, the second lightspot is that when you open door using your face, Bella Bell will recognize your emotion and play different audios for you. The workflow is as follows:

  • Recognize Emotion
  • Play Audio

In the first step, we use Face++ Emotion API to get the emotion value:

def analyze(face_token):
	url = 'https://api-cn.faceplusplus.com/facepp/v3/face/analyze'
    params = {
        'api_key': key,
        'api_secret': secret,
    return res

In the second step, we have the following code in the deal.py:

def deal_emotion(emotionJson):
    happiness = emotionJson['happiness']
    if happiness > 10.0:
        s = 'You look happy, let us enjoy some music'
        os.system("mpg123 %s"%'1.mp3')
        s = 'You look sad, let us listen some joy'
        os.system('mpg123 %s'%'sad.mp3')
    print emotionJson['happiness']
Record Dormitory Status

There is no doubt that sometimes we forget bringing our books when we are hurry to the classroom. Bella Bell allows you to check who is in the room, so that you can ask him to bring you book when he go to the classroom. Due to our roommates use the same router, that is to say our phones are in the same Local Area Network after connecting to the network. So we use ping the IP Address to confirm whether someone is in the room:

def postPresent():
    j = 0
    for i in hostnames:
        res = os.system("ping -W 20 -s 1 -c 3 " + i)
        if res == 0:
            present[j] = 'false'
        j = j + 1
    url = ''
    headers = {
    d = {
    r = requests.post(url,headers = headers,data = json.dumps(d))
Other Function

In our project, there are some functional modules we have achieved part of it, but due to the function are imperfect and user experience is not so good, we haven't added to Bella Bell. You can see more in the Under Construction Part to follow our develop schedule.

Smart Reminder

When you leave the room, Bella Bell will remind you something important, such as today's weather, assignment deadline and so on. Although we haven't decided how to judge that a person want to leave, we have achieve the Text To Speech module. Owing to we use Raspberry PI to control our door and the voice of text to speech native libraries of linux sounds so bad, we decide to use BaiDu Text To Speech API:

def get_baidu_voice(text, lang="zh", speed=5, pitch=5, volumn=5, person=0):
	url = "http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audiotex=%s&lan=%s&cuid=%s&ctp=1&tok=%s"
			+ "&spd=%d&pit=%d&vol=%d&per=%d"
    token = get_token()
    mac = get_mac_address()
    r = requests.get(url% (text, lang, mac, token, speed, pitch, volumn, person))
    if r.headers.get("content-type") == "audio/mp3":
        fw = open(os.getcwd() + "/tts.mp3", "wb")
Speech Control

In Bella Bell, we hope that we can control Raspberry PI using voice to open the door and instruct Bella Bell to play song and so on. However, we found that the environmental noise make this function plays a bad performance, so it is still in the long term plan. Some code of this module show as follows(using Microsoft Bing Speech API):

def speech_to_text():
    AUDIO_FILE = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "english.wav")
    # obtain audio from the microphone
    r = sr.Recognizer()
    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        print("Say something!")
        audio = r.listen(source)
    BING_KEY = "7e964898eaed4b8887eef9abd271ff54"
    text = r.recognize_bing(audio, key=BING_KEY)
    print("Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition thinks you said " + text)
    return text


Peripheral equipment like camera and step motor are under control of Raspberry Pi.


For simplicity, here we use Pi Camera since it is well supported by Raspberry Pi with library functions. Also, connecting the camera to Pi is quite easy. With this camera we can simply take photos by following few lines of code:

from picamera import PiCamera
import time

camera = PiCamera()
Matrix Keypad

It is unrealistic to take photos all the time. So there must be something like a trigger to decide when should the camera take photos and detect faces. Thus we make use of a 4*4 matrix keypad.

In our solution, C1-C4 is to physical pin 32, 36, 38, 40 and R1-R4 is to physical pin 31, 33, 35, 37 respectively.

To scan a pressed button, we first set all columns as output low and all rows as input pull-up. If a key was pushed, the corresponding row will be set to low electric level, then we can know which row was pressed.

At this moment, convert columns to input pull-down and switch the selected row to output high. Scan four columns again for the high electric level one, and that is exactly the selected column. By doing this we can find out which key was pressed.

def getKey(self):
    for j in range(len(self.COLUMN)):
	for i in range(len(self.ROW)):

    rowVal = -1
	for i in range(len(self.ROW)):
		tmpRead = GPIO.input(self.ROW[i])
        if tmpRead == 0:
            rowVal = i

    if rowVal < 0 or rowVal > 3:

    for j in range(len(self.COLUMN)):


	colVal = -1
	for j in range(len(self.COLUMN)):
		tmpRead = GPIO.input(self.COLUMN[j])
		if tmpRead == 1:
			colVal = j

    if colVal < 0 or colVal > 3:
	return self.KEYPAD[rowVal][colVal]

Eight GPIO pins would be occupied. See detailed code in keypad.py.

Mechanical Transmission

Restricted by rules of school, we are not going to damage the door like punching on it. A compromising way is to used some pulley and level members to pull our door handle.

The core part is a step motor, driven by ULN2003 and connected to Pi by GPIO. To make it rotate, we can set four pins' mode as output, then let them output high level in turn. We can also control rotation speed by setting delay time as we like. Here are main part of code:

IN1 = 11    # pin11  
IN2 = 12  
IN3 = 15 
IN4 = 16 
def setStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):  
    GPIO.output(IN1, w1)  
    GPIO.output(IN2, w2)  
    GPIO.output(IN3, w3)  
    GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  

def forward(delay, steps):    
    for i in range(0, steps):  
        setStep(1, 0, 0, 0)  
        setStep(0, 1, 0, 0)  
        setStep(0, 0, 1, 0)  
        setStep(0, 0, 0, 1)  
def loop():  
    for i in range (0,1):
        forward(0.005, 700)  # 512 steps --- 360 angle

Setting up the other mechanical components depends on the actual environment. In fact, use electromagnetic locks would be a better choice.

USB Microphone

A microphone can be easily connected to Pi with USB cable. We can use library pyaudio to record sounds.

import pyaudio
import wave

def RecordSub(Channels, Rate, Chunk, Input_device, Record_seconds, FileName):
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	stream = p.open(format = pyaudio.paInt16,
            channels = Channels,
            rate = Rate,
            #input_device = Input_device,
            input = True,
            frames_per_buffer = Chunk)

    frames = []
    for i in range(0, int(Rate / Chunk * Record_seconds)):
    	data = stream.read(Chunk)


        wf = wave.open(FileName, 'wb')

    return 'done'
Power Supply

We did not realized how important the power supply is until we found that the motor did not have enough torque to pull the level up to the angle we want. And it's just because we use a 5-meter-long extension USB cable as power cable. What's worse, if we can not meet the current demand of 2A which the Raspberry Pi needs, the Pi may crash and reboot under high load work condition.





Bella Bell

Pros & Cons

  • Advantages
    • Allow you to enter your home without a key
    • Allow you to open the door for your guest at anytime and anywhere
    • Allow you to check whether the old and the child are at home at anytime and anywhere
    • Allow you to check who is at home at anytime and anywhere
    • The door can greet you when you back home
  • Disadvantages
    • Face Cognition is not safety enough since you may can use a photo in front of the camera.


  • Face Recognition locally
  • Add one more camera to capture 3D photo
  • Together with other intelligent furniture with IoT

Under Construction

  • Adapt for different models(now supporting SE and 7's size)
  • Add Speech Cognition Service
  • Add Apple Watch App


  • Front-end(iOS App)
    • Yang LI
  • Back-end(Node.js)
    • Yang LI
  • Cognitive Services
    • Zhongjin LUO
  • Hardware
    • Guohui YANG
  • UI Design
    • Yirui WANG


  • Open Sourced on GitHub under MIT License
  • Fork & Issues are both welcomed


42034502 Spring2017 Human-Computer Interaction Project by Ying SHEN @ SSE, TJU

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 37.1%Language:Swift 34.0%Language:HTML 10.9%Language:Objective-C++ 10.2%Language:C++ 4.5%Language:Python 2.0%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%