zjwang11 / IRVSP

IRVSP: to obtain irreducible representations of electronic states in the VASP, Comput. Phys. Comm. 261, 107760 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107760.

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IRVSP/IR2TB and Library


to compute Irreducible Representations of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package v5.3 (IRVSP).
The "tqc.txt" and "tqc.data" are generated, which you can upload online (http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/)
to solve the eBR/aBR decompostion and compatibilite relations for topological/unconventional materials.
(http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/TopMat_1651msg.html; http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/UnconvMat.html)

src_irvsp_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.

src_irvsp_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals in 1651 magnetic space groups according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS).


to compute the traces of electronic states in Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package. The trace file "trace.txt" is generated, which is needed for the CheckTopologicalMat on the BCS: www.cryst.ehu.es/cryst/checktopologicalmat ["M.G. Vergniory, et al., Nature 566, 480-485. (2019)"].

src_trace_v1.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=1.

src_trace_v1.1.tar.gz: for Hybrid functional calculations with ISPIN=1, which can skip the first N k-points.

src_trace_v2.tar.gz : for the VASP calculations with ISPIN=2.

IRVSP library

The library can be linked to by DFT packages, such as Quantum Espresso, VASP, Siesta, Abinit, ELK, Wien2k.

A general workflow for using IRVSP

  • prepare your POSCAR file ...
  • phonopy --symmetry --tolerance 0.01 -c POSCAR
  • pos2aBR (* converting PPOSCAR to POSCAR_std *)
  • use POSCAR_std to do DFT (VASP, QE ...) calculations ...
  • irvsp -sg xxx -nb xx xx > outir2
  • solve eBR/aBR (* using tqc.data *)


to compute irreducible representations of states in (electronic or phononic) tight-binding Hamiltonians (Wannier90, Slater-Koster).

src_ir2tb_v1.tar.gz : for symmorphic crystals according to the character tables (CRTs) of point-group (PNG) symmetries.

src_ir2tb_v2.tar.gz : for all crystals according to the CRTs on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (BCS).

Notices in VASP calculation

  • Please do NOT set ISYM tag in INCAR (Default ISYM=2).
  • For SOC calculations, please set the MAGMOM tag explicitly in INCAR (for example, MAGMOM=900*0). The default values of MAGMOM could cause the SYMMETRY error when using IRVSP.
  • For detailed magnetic calculations, please refer to http://tm.iphy.ac.cn/TopMat_1651msg.html.
  • For VASP6.x, please modify the line "CALL SET_SPINROT_WRAPPER(LATT_CUR%B(1,1),-1)" in mkpoints.F to "CALL SET_SPINROT_WRAPPER(LATT_CUR%B(1,1),IU6)" and recompile VASP before using IRVSP.


IRVSP: to obtain irreducible representations of electronic states in the VASP, Comput. Phys. Comm. 261, 107760 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107760.



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