zju3dv / Vox-Fusion

Code for "Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation", ISMAR 2022

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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda'

fjrdev opened this issue · comments


I have adjusted tracking.py so that VoxFusion works on sequential data played from a rosbag:

def spin(self, share_data, kf_buffer):
        print("******* tracking process started! *******")
        frame_id = 0
        rgb = torch.zeros((540, 960, 3))
        depth = torch.zeros((540, 960))
        k = torch.tensor([[805.110054612012, 0.0, 427.0664954600349], 
                          [0.0, 804.744879684146, 269.1892972689079],
                          [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        data_in = [frame_id, rgb, depth, k]
        def pub():
            nonlocal frame_id
            if frame_id == 0:
                self.process_first_frame(kf_buffer, data_in)
                    # "*" unzips the np array
                    current_frame = RGBDFrame(*data_in)
                    self.do_tracking(share_data, current_frame, kf_buffer)

                    if self.render_freq > 0 and (frame_id + 1) % self.render_freq == 0:
                        self.render_debug_images(share_data, current_frame)
                #except Exception as e:
                   # print("error in dataloading: ", e, f"skipping frame {frame_id}")
            frame_id += 1
        def process(depth_data, image_data):
            image_arr = np.frombuffer(image_data.data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(image_data.height, image_data.width, -1)
            data_in[1] = torch.tensor(image_arr)
            disparity_arr = np.frombuffer(depth_data.image.data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(depth_data.image.height, depth_data.image.width)
            focal_length = 805.110054612012
            baseline = 4.858120401781332
            f = lambda x: (focal_length * baseline) / x
            depth_arr = f(disparity_arr)
            data_in[2] = torch.tensor(depth_arr)
        def listener():
            rospy.init_node('dense_map', anonymous=True)
            depth = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo/disparity', DisparityImage)
            image = message_filters.Subscriber('/stereo/left/image_raw', Image)
            ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([depth, image], 10)
            print("INIT LISTENER")
        share_data.stop_mapping = True
        print("******* tracking process died *******")

I´m not sure why, but it does not seem to be able utilize the share_data attribute correctly, since its of type NoneType in my case. The error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda' gets thrown in 102 of tracking.py: decoder = share_data.decoder.cuda(). Does anyone have an idea what could went wrong here?

Change sleep(5) to sleep(20) in def start(self) in voxslam.py