zju3dv / Vox-Fusion

Code for "Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation", ISMAR 2022

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a question about why I can't get any points from the frame.py?

laliwang opened this issue · comments

  I may have successfully run this code's initialization step under the scannet scene0000_00 datasets, while after the initialization step, something wrong happen in the process of mapping as follows:

root@autodl-container-e1cd11a652-b3827dab:/home/Vox-Fusion# python demo/run.py configs/scannet/scene0000.yaml
******* initializing first_frame: 0
initializing the first frame ...
mapping process started!
Process Process-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/home/Vox-Fusion/src/mapping.py", line 93, in spin
File "/home/Vox-Fusion/src/mapping.py", line 201, in create_voxels
points = frame.get_points().cuda()
File "/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/autograd/grad_mode.py", line 27, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/Vox-Fusion/src/frame.py", line 64, in get_points
vmap = self.rays_d * self.depth[..., None]
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (468) must match the size of tensor b (628) at non-singleton dimension 1
******* tracking process started! *******
tracking frame: 0%| | 0/5577 [00:00<?, ?it/s]error in dataloading: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda' skipping frame 1
error in dataloading: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda' skipping frame 2
error in dataloading: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda' skipping frame 3
error in dataloading: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cuda' skipping frame 4
tracking frame: 0%| | 4/5577 [00:00<02:53, 32.17it/s]

  From the above traceback, I may indicate that there's something wrong with the function "get_points()" in frame.py, so that I cannot get proper data for the following mapping process. While I have finished the building of third_party in your folders, and the environment of my computer is python3.8 + pytorch 1.8.1 + cuda11.1, and I am sure that I have put the scannet datasets in the correct path, so I don't know why the code cannot get points properly from the provided depth images. 
   Could you please give me some guidance on how to solve this errors? Thank you very much!

Hi, It seems that there is something wrong with the file reading, our file structure should be consistent with the official one.

For example:

  • scene0000_00
    • color
      • xxx.jpg
    • depth
      • xxx.png
    • pose
      • xxx.txt
    • intrinsic
      • intrinsic_depth.txt

Please check.

Thanks for your reply sincerely! While I manage my scannet datasets folder as follows, it seems that I have the same structure with yours supported, and under the same scannet datasets I've successfully run another sequential mapping algorithm, so I think there's no wrong with the file reading. Is there any other reasons for this situation?

color folder
depth folder
intrinsic folder
pose folder

Hi, it is difficult to tell but I suspect data loading is an issue.
Can you check if the images are correctly loaded by either printing out their data or saving them as jpeg/png files?

Hi, it is difficult to tell but I suspect data loading is an issue. Can you check if the images are correctly loaded by either printing out their data or saving them as jpeg/png files?

Thanks for your reply and I would try it soon.

Hi, I have followed your advice to print out their data in format of tensor using the scannet.py script in your src/dataset folder. But I notice that there is no critical error with the specific value in the matrix. In the same method, I have tried the room_0 sequence from Nice-SLAM under your demo, the results still indicate that there's something wrong with the data reading, which makes me confused these days.
While when I first attempt to run your code in the environment of Pytorch1.8.1, the frame.py interrupt me and report that **TypeError: meshgrid() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘indexing‘**, so I just delete the param of indexing='ij' and keep going. I don't know if this makes anything wrong.

Sorry I didn't notice the environment, our method is built with pytorch version >= 1.10, an old version of pytroch may have some incompatible features.

Hi, I have followed your advice to print out their data in format of tensor using the scannet.py script in your src/dataset folder. But I notice that there is no critical error with the specific value in the matrix. In the same method, I have tried the room_0 sequence from Nice-SLAM under your demo, the results still indicate that there's something wrong with the data reading, which makes me confused these days.
While when I first attempt to run your code in the environment of Pytorch1.8.1, the frame.py interrupt me and report that TypeError: meshgrid() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘indexing‘, so I just delete the param of indexing='ij' and keep going. I don't know if this makes anything wrong.

torch.meshgrid defaults to indexing='ij' so there shouldn't be any problem.
That sounds weird, if data loading is fine, then you should be getting correct 3D points. Can you provide a more concrete example?

Sorry I didn't notice the environment, our method is built with pytorch version >= 1.10, an old version of pytroch may have some incompatible features.

Truly thanks for your valuable suggestion! The above data reading problem is indeed due to the mismatch of pytorch version.

I have the same issue but my pytorch is 1.12.0 > 1.10.0