zjromani / websocket_chat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a very basic chat app with Action Cable and Turbo Links.

Hosted on Heroku

To Run

bundle install

rails db:setup

rails s

By running rails db:setup you will get your local database seeded with some random users and two ChatRooms.

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and in an incognito browser. Join a ChatRoom to chat and see messages appear in real time.

Sessions are managed with cookies. You will be assigned a random user if cookies['user'] is empty.

gif gif


  • Rename Message#message column as it is confusing to do things like message.message
  • Add specs for 'Channels' since Rails 6 supports that out of the box now.
  • Authentication and basic user management.
  • Websockets to handle "someone is typing".
  • Websockets to handle people joining and leaving ChatRooms.
  • Better Styling.



Language:Ruby 77.9%Language:HTML 12.1%Language:JavaScript 7.7%Language:CSS 2.2%