zjjjjjjjjjjd / react-native-alipay

Alipay SDK for React Native. Support RN >= 0.47.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


NPM Version Dependency Status Build Status License

Alipay SDK for React Native. Support mobile webpage url payment. Support RN >= 0.47.

Native AlipaySDK library (download page):

  • iOS: v15.5.9 (2018.11.26)
  • Android: v15.5.9 (2018.11.26)



  • React Native >= 0.20
  • iOS >= 7.0
  • Android >= 4.4 (API 19)

Getting started

$ yarn add @0x5e/react-native-alipay

Native module installation

API Documentation


Returns object with following fields:

field type description
resultStatus String See Response code description
result String Result data in query string format
memo String Reserved field, nothing

The result data has following fields:

field type description
success Boolean true if succeed
result_code String Result code
auth_code String Authorization code
user_id String User id

The result_code description:

code description
200 业务处理成功,会返回authCode
202 系统异常,请稍后再试或联系支付宝技术支持
1005 账户已冻结,如有疑问,请联系支付宝技术支持

Example code:

import QueryString from 'query-string';
import Alipay from '@0x5e/react-native-alipay';

// 快捷登录授权
try {
  let infoStr = 'apiname=com.alipay.account.auth&method=alipay.open.auth.sdk.code.get&app_id=xxxx&app_name=mc&biz_type=openservice&pid=xxxx&product_id=APP_FAST_LOGIN&scope=kuaijie&target_id=xxxx&auth_type=AUTHACCOUNT&sign_type=RSA2&sign=xxxx'; // get from server, signed
  let response = await Alipay.authWithInfo(infoStr);

  let { resultStatus, result, memo } = response;
  let { success, result_code, auth_code, user_id } = QueryString.parse(result);

  // TODO: ...

} catch (error) {


  • isSandbox {boolean} Whether to open sandbox. Must be payed before use. See 使用沙箱环境


Returns object with following fields:

field type description
resultStatus String See Response code description
result String Result data in json string format
memo String Reserved field, nothing

The result data has following fields:

field type description
code String 结果码,具体见公共错误码
msg String 处理结果的描述,信息来自于code返回结果的描述
app_id String 支付宝分配给开发者的应用Id
out_trade_no String 商户网站唯一订单号
trade_no String 该交易在支付宝系统中的交易流水号
total_amount String 该笔订单的资金总额,单位为RMB-Yuan
seller_id String 收款支付宝账号对应的支付宝唯一用户号
charset String 编码格式
timestamp String 时间

Example code:

import Alipay from '@0x5e/react-native-alipay';

// APP支付
try {
  // 打开沙箱
  let orderStr = 'app_id=xxxx&method=alipay.trade.app.pay&charset=utf-8&timestamp=2014-07-24 03:07:50&version=1.0&notify_url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.xxx.com%2Fnotify&biz_content=%7B%22subject%22%3A%22%E5%A4%A7%E4%B9%90%E9%80%8F%22%2C%22out_trade_no%22%3A%22xxxx%22%2C%22total_amount%22%3A%229.00%22%2C%22product_code%22%3A%22QUICK_MSECURITY_PAY%22%7D&sign_type=RSA2&sign=xxxx'; // get from server, signed
  let response = await Alipay.pay(orderStr);

  let { resultStatus, result, memo } = response;
  let { code, msg, app_id, out_trade_no, trade_no, total_amount, seller_id, charset, timestamp } = JSON.parse(result);

  // TODO: ...

} catch (error) {


  • h5PayUrl {String} The url string of mobile webpage payment. You may get it from webview. See document for detail.

Returns object with following fields:

field type description
resultCode String 返回码
returnUrl String 支付结束后应当跳转的url地址

Example code:

import Alipay from '@0x5e/react-native-alipay';

// 手机网站转APP支付
try {
  let h5PayUrl = 'https://wappaygw.alipay.com/service/rest.htm?_input_charset=utf-8&format=xml&partner=xxxx&req_data=%3Cauth_and_execute_req%3E%3Crequest_token%3Exxxx%3C%2Frequest_token%3E%3C%2Fauth_and_execute_req%3E&sec_id=MD5&service=alipay.wap.auth.authAndExecute&v=2.0&sign=xxxx'; // get from webview, signed
  let { resultCode, returnUrl } = await Alipay.payInterceptorWithUrl(h5PayUrl);
  console.info(resultCode, returnUrl);
} catch (error) {

Alipay.sign(object, privateKey)

If you want to do client side signature instead of server side (not recommend), you can use this.

  • object {Object} Object to be signed. The object.sign_type can specify RSA (default) or RSA2.
  • privateKey {String} Private key in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format.

Note: PKCS#1 private key should have wrapped with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- PKCS#8 private key should have wrapped with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

Returns The query string with signature. See Process of signature for detail.

Example code:

import Alipay from '@0x5e/react-native-alipay';

// 签名
let params = {
  app_id: 2183,
  biz_content: '{"scopes":["auth_base"],"state":"init"}',
  method: 'alipay.user.info.auth',
  timestamp: '2017-10-13 00:00:00',
  version: '1.0',
let privateKey = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n' + ... + '\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----';
let signedQuery = Alipay.sign(params, privateKey);
console.info(signedQuery); // app_id=2183&biz_content=%7B%22scopes%22%3A%5B%22auth_base%22%5D%2C%22state%22%3A%22init%22%7D&method=alipay.user.info.auth&sign_type=RSA&timestamp=2017-10-13%2000%3A00%3A00&version=1.0&sign=xxxx

Response code description

code description
9000 操作成功
8000 正在处理中
4000 操作失败
5000 重复请求
6001 用户中途取消
6002 网络连接出错


Alipay SDK for React Native. Support RN >= 0.47.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%