zjZSTU / theme-next-algolia-instant-search

Algolia Search for NexT.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


If you want to use the CDN instead of clone this repo, please jump to the Step 3.

Step 1 → Go to NexT dir

Change dir to NexT directory. There must be layout, source, languages and other directories:

$ cd themes/next
$ ls
bower.json  _config.yml  docs  gulpfile.coffee  languages  layout  LICENSE.md  package.json  README.md  scripts  source  test

Step 2 → Get module

Install module to source/lib directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-algolia-instant-search source/lib/algolia-instant-search

Step 3 → Set it up

Enable module in NexT _config.yml file:

  enable: true

And, if you wants to use the CDN, then need to set:

  algolia_instant_js: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/instantsearch.js@latest/dist/instantsearch.js
  algolia_instant_css: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/instantsearch.js@latest/dist/instantsearch.min.css


$ cd themes/next/source/lib/algolia-instant-search
$ git pull


Algolia Search for NexT.

License:MIT License