Hamza Dakik's repositories


Vestiprendo is a fleet tracking website and cross-platform mobile application with real-time data collected from preinstalled sensors on vehicles. Vestiprendo is a private repository and am open to requests to see it. Vestiprendo is yet to be released.



An application written in Android that serves to make it easier for patients take appointments at a clinic while describing their symptoms. A doctor/clinic manager can also login using the same app but is presented with a different view where a consultation can be made for a client or an appointment can be canceled. The application uses PHP as a back-end language for communication with SQL database.



Just a humble soccer penalty shootout game made with Unity. Experimented with different cameras in one scene and switching between them. Also added sound effects to cheer the player when a goal is scored because what's a soccer penalty without a crowd cheering anyway.



A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern



A website written mainly in PHP that serves to aid patients in taking an appointment at a doctor's clinic and describing their symptoms with the purpose of making it easier for the doctor to manage appointments and write consultations for the patients that they can later view on their accounts. Not a responsive website as the focus was mainly to learn PHP. SQL database in the background to keep up with all the data ! Registration and login fully functional.



A freelance project that I created with Angular. The requirements was to make a static portfolio website to display the designer's work but I chose Angular because the designer mentioned that she would later be wanting to transform the portfolio website to an online store. The fashion designer in question gave me consent to upload the website here !



A software design document that outlines the architecture for a concept of a system for a company that job seekers turn to for jobs. The system is supposed to ease the work of the company in question as well as facilitate finding jobs for job seekers. The website was never developed as the main focus was to create an architecture only.



The first simple Unity game I created that consists of an airplane that revolves around an arena while moving up and down. The player is a robot that can shoot two missiles simultaneously with an objective of shooting down the plane. Pick-able ammo spawns at random places around the map that the player can pick up to refill on ammo.



The famous Simon game, created with Unity. Simple dark and light images of the colors on the Simon board are switched to simulate the light turning on and the sequence of which the colors are turned on should be retained by the player and repeated. If the player repeats the sequence of colors correctly, a new level begins with an extra step in the sequence. Can you reach the last level ?
