ziky90 / CSAI

Hack for the HackJunction2018

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hack for the HackJunction2018

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Technical description of all the components of the system

We have build a system that consist of one frontend application and 2 separate backend appliacations.

Frontend Application


Vue.js based fromntend application that enables and agregates:

  • On the fly customer video face tracking and video analysis
  • On the fly chat sentiment analysis
  • Aggregation of all the algorithms to the dashboard and the leaderboard

Computer Vision related backend


Python Flask server based aplication for:

  • Face localization: Using Viola-Jones algoritm
  • Facial Expression detection: Using the pretrained CNN model from the EmoPy library

NLP and database related backend


Python Flask server and SQL databse based application that enables:

  • Sending messages
  • Perform messages sentiment analysis using the TextBlob NLP library.


Hack for the HackJunction2018