zikes / box

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

║   BOX   ║

b := &box.Box{
  BoxStyle: &box.DoubleStyle,
  Margin:  1,
  Padding: 3,

// ╔═════════╗
// ║   BOX   ║
// ╚═════════╝


type Box struct {
  Margin       int
  LineMargin   int
  Padding      int
  BorderColor  *color.Color
  ContentColor *color.Color

func (b *Box) Sprint(contents ...interface{}) string

An instance of the Box struct is used to determine the overall style of the Sections it contains.


Determines the line style of the box. Available styles are DefaultStyle, DoubleStyle, RoundedStyle, ClassicStyle, and BlankStyle.

You can also provide your own BoxStyle if you prefer, so long as it is of the BoxStyle struct type.


The number of horizontal spaces before and after the Box.


The number of vertical spaces (lines) before and after the Box.


The number of horizontal spaces around the Box's contents.


The number of vertical spaces (lines) around the Box's contents.


An optional *color.Color from http://github.com/fatih/color, which determines the color scheme used to print the Box's outline.


An optional *color.Color from http://github.com/fatih/color, which determines the color scheme used to print the Box's contents.

func (*Box) Sprint

Arguments may be any mix of string literal or box.Section. Each argument will create a new horizontal split in the box.


type Section struct {
  Content      interface{}
  Padding      int
  LinePadding  int
  BorderColor  *color.Color
  ContentColor *color.Color

A Section is a horizontal split in the box, which may optionally carry its own styles.

│  Section 1  │
│  Section 2  │
│  Section 3  │


Useful for specifying different line styles for different sections of the box. If omitted, the BoxStyle of the container Box is inherited.


May be a string literal or anything conforming to the fmt.Stringer interface.


The number of horizontal spaces around the Section's contents.


The number of vertical spaces (lines) around the Section's contents.


Determines the horizontal alignment of the Section's contents. May be box.LeftAlign, box.RightAlign, or box.CenterAlign.


An optional *color.Color from http://github.com/fatih/color, which determines the color scheme used to print the Section's outline. If omitted, the BorderColor of the container Box is inherited.


An optional *color.Color from http://github.com/fatih/color, which determines the color scheme used to print the Section's contents.


type BoxStyle struct {
  TopLeft     string
  TopRight    string
  BottomRight string
  BottomLeft  string
  MidRight    string
  MidLeft     string
  MidTop      string
  MidBottom   string
  Vertical    string
  Horizontal  string

Each property of a BoxStyle is the character to be inserted in that position when drawing the box. For example, this is the definition for DefaultStyle:

var DefaultStyle BoxStyle = BoxStyle{
  TopLeft:     "┌",
  TopRight:    "┐",
  BottomRight: "┘",
  BottomLeft:  "└",
  MidRight:    "┤",
  MidLeft:     "├",
  MidTop:      "┬",
  MidBottom:   "┴",
  Vertical:    "│",
  Horizontal:  "─",

Note that MidTop and MidBottom are not currently used by the Box library, and may safely be omitted from custom BoxStyle definitions. They are included in all built-in definitions for convenience, in case support for vertical splits should be implemented at a later date.

Available styles:

┌────────────────┐ ╔═══════════════╗
│  DefaultStyle  │ ║  DoubleStyle  ║
└────────────────┘ ╚═══════════════╝
╭────────────────╮ +----------------+
│  RoundedStyle  │ |  ClassicStyle  |
╰────────────────╯ +----------------+

BlankStyle uses blank spaces, which can be useful for boxes comprised of solid background colors.


The built-in Alignment constants determine how a Section's contents are aligned. They are LeftAlign, RightAlign, and CenterAlign.



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