You need to have correctly installed the following
- "Android SDK Platform-tools" version 24.0.2 recommended
- "Android SDK Tools" version 25.1.7 recommended
- "Android SDK Build-tools" version 24.0.1 recommended
- "Android Support Library" version 23.2.1 recommended
- "Android Support Repository" version 35.0.0 recommended
- "Android NDK" version r12b recommended
git clone
cd GreenBits
This step requires the environment variables ANDROID_NDK and JAVA_HOME to be set correctly
cd app && ./
./gradlew build
This will build both MAINNET and TESTNET builds
For TESTNET only run ./gradlew assembleBtctestnetDebug
Start on localhost Bitcoin Core on both MainNet and TestNet and make sure they are synchronized and finished booting (verifying blocks, etc)
./gradlew --project-dir=bitcoinj/tools buildMainnetCheckpoints && mv bitcoinj/tools/checkpoints app/src/production/assets/checkpoints
./gradlew --project-dir=bitcoinj/tools buildTestnetCheckpoints && mv bitcoinj/tools/checkpoints-testnet app/src/btctestnet/assets/checkpoints
or for both in one go run:
Thanks to Bitcoin Wallet for Android for their QR scanning activity source code!
Thanks to Riccardo Casatta for code and big UX contributions!