zicmama / falling-fruit

Website, database, and API for Falling Fruit + Short Message control

Home Page:http://fallingfruit.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Falling Fruit Web

This is a Rails 3 web application for Falling Fruit, live at fallingfruit.org. The PostgreSQL + PostGIS database is accessed over a RESTful JSON API served up at fallingfruit.org/api.

Who is responsible?

Falling Fruit co-founders Caleb Phillips and Ethan Welty. More info at fallingfruit.org/about.

This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. All of Falling Fruit's data, if not otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License.

Both licenses require attribution and that derivative works retain the same license. We reserve the right to prohibit use on a project-by-project basis. Please contact us (info@fallingfruit.org) if you have any questions.

How can I help?

If you want to help with development, feel free to fork the project. If you have something to submit upstream, send a pull request from your fork. Cool? Cool!

Build instructions (website)

Install Ruby and dependencies

rvm install 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.3
brew install postgresql
brew install postgis
gem install bundler
  • Install project gems:
bundle install

If therubyracer (0.11.4) fails to install, change the corresponding line in Gemfile.lock to therubyracer (0.12.2).

  • Initialize configuration files:
cp config/database.yml.dist config/database.yml
cp config/s3.yml.dist config/s3.yml
cp config/initializers/secret_token.rb.example config/initializers/secret_token.rb

Edit config/database.yml with your desired development database name, username, and password. Since all files (photos) are stored on Amazon S3 servers, you'll need to add Amazon S3 credentials to your config/s3.yml file. Contact us (info@fallingfruit.org) for a key.

Prepare database

  • Initialize and start your postgres database:
initdb -D /usr/local/var/postgres/
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres/ -l logfile start
  • Create a Falling Fruit database and superuser:
psql postgres
CREATE DATABASE fallingfruit_new_db;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE fallingfruit_new_db TO fallingfruit_user;

The database, username, and password should match your settings for the development database in config/database.yml.

  • Load the database schema:

If starting from a fresh install, load the full schema:

bundle exec rake db:schema:load

Or if updating an existing database with the latest schema, run migrations instead:

bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Now, add a couple required functions to the database:
psql fallingfruit_new_db

/* Function: utmzone(geometry)
DROP FUNCTION utmzone(geometry);
Usage: SELECT ST_Transform(the_geom, utmzone(ST_Centroid(the_geom))) FROM sometable; */
RETURNS integer AS
geomgeog geometry;
zone int;
pref int;
geomgeog:= ST_Transform($1,4326);
IF (ST_Y(geomgeog))>0 THEN
RETURN zone+pref;
COST 100;

/* Function: ST_Buffer_Meters(geometry, double precision)
DROP FUNCTION ST_Buffer_Meters(geometry, double precision);
Usage: SELECT ST_Buffer_Meters(the_geom, num_meters) FROM sometable; */
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Buffer_Meters(geometry, double precision)
RETURNS geometry AS
orig_srid int;
utm_srid int;
orig_srid:= ST_SRID($1);
utm_srid:= utmzone(ST_Centroid($1));
RETURN ST_transform(ST_Buffer(ST_transform($1, utm_srid), $2), orig_srid);
COST 100;

  • To start the thin web server, run:
bundle exec thin start

and visit localhost:3000/users/sign_up to register an account.

  • Finally, force-confirm your account (so that you can sign in) and make yourself an admin (so that you have access to all site features):
psql fallingfruit_new_db
UPDATE users SET confirmed_at='2013-01-01 00:00:00' WHERE id='1';
UPDATE users SET roles_mask='3' WHERE id='1';

Don't go too far, you'll now need to get the API working!

Build instructions (API)

Install Node and dependencies

nvm install 0.12
nvm use 0.12
  • Node packages:
cd api
npm install

Prepare API

  • Create an API key:

Calls to the API will require an api_key parameter that matches an entry in the api_keys database table. You can create one from the rails console.

rails console
ApiKey.create(api_key: 'APIKEY')
  • Start the API:
pm2 start app.js

You can test the API by visiting localhost:3100/api/0.2/types.json?api_key=APIKEY. The page should return [] until you create a new type at localhost:3000/types/new.

The API is currently (poorly) documented here.

API Versioning

Since we have multiple versions of the mobile app in the wild, using different versions of the API, more care is needed with respect to branching and versioning the API than with other Falling Fruit code. As of 23 September 2016, we are running two versions of the API in parallel:

  • v0.1 (api-release-0.1 branch) - A Rails-based API existing entirely within app/controller/api. All versions of the mobile app (v0.1 & 0.2) use this version of the API.
  • v0.2 (api-release-0.2 branch) - The first version of the NodeJS-based API. The current website uses this version of the API.
  • v0.3 (under construction in master branch) - The next release of the API, which will be NodeJS-based and both the mobile app and website should use it.

API v0.1 will need to persist for the foreseeable future (unless/until we decide to force upgrade all v0.1 and v0.2 installs of the mobile app). API v0.2 can presumably be removed once v0.3 is released since only the website uses it. Starting with API v0.3, we will need to run parallel versions of the API to allow backwards compatibility.


Translations for the website interface are managed via the falling-fruit project on Locale. To contribute, login with your GitHub account and edit the translations directly. We regularly pull translations from the Locale project to Github. Happy translating! Species common name translations are machine-translated and stored directly in the database.


Website, database, and API for Falling Fruit + Short Message control



Language:HTML 30.1%Language:JavaScript 27.7%Language:Ruby 22.9%Language:R 10.4%Language:CoffeeScript 5.1%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Python 0.2%