zhuxiujia / easy_mvc

Golang Web MVC AOP and IOC framework build on DI based on go Tag system. just like spring boot,spring mvc!这可能是你能找到的最灵活,最方便的框架

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GO mvc框架,支持IOC,AOP,DI 基于golang标准库,http库和Tag机制实现.免生成中间代码,非常容易使用



  • 整体基于反射tag,所有配置(包括http方法,路径,参数,swagger文档参数)都集中于你定义的函数之后
  • 轻量 完全兼容标准库的http,意味着和标准库一般稳定,可以混合搭配使用,扩展性极高
  • 拦截器 支持(例如非常方便的检查用户登录,提取用户登录数据,支持JWT token,Oath2Token更加方便的接入)
  • 过滤器 支持
  • 全局错误处理器链 支持
  • 使用tag 定义 http请求参数,包含 *int,*string,*float 同时支持标准库的 writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request
  • Json参数支持(app端上传时需要Header,Content-Type设置为application/json)
  • 支持参数默认值 只需在tag中 定义,例如 func(phone string, pwd string, age *int) interface{} arg:"phone,pwd,age:1" 其中 arg没有传参则默认为1
  • 指针参数可为空(nil)非指针参数 如果没有值框架会拦截
  • root path支持,类似spring controller定义一个基础的path加控制器具体方法的http path
  • 支持swagger ui 动态文档,免生成任何中间go文件 基于Tag和反射实现的swagger动态文档


import (

type TestUserVO struct {
	Name string

type TestController struct {
	easy_mvc.Controller `path:"/api"`         //基路由
	//登录接口案例,返回值默认转json,如果要返回其他东西,请在参数里加上 request *http.Request 把content-type 改了,然后可以自行处理(或者直接兼容标准库func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request))
	Login func(phone string, pwd string, age *int) interface{} `path:"/login" arg:"phone,pwd,age" doc_arg:"phone:手机号,pwd:密码,age:年龄"`
	Login2 func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)             `path:"/login2" arg:"w,r"`
	Login3 func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) interface{} `path:"/login3" arg:"w,r" method:"get"`
	Login4 func(phone string, pwd string, request *http.Request) interface{}   `path:"/login4" arg:"phone,pwd,r"`
	Json   func(js string) interface{}                                         `path:"/json" arg:"js" doc:"json数据,需要Header/Content-Type设置application/json"`

	UserInfo  func() interface{}                `path:"/api/login2"`

func (it *TestController) New() {
	it.Login = func(phone string, pwd string, age *int) interface{} {
		println("do Login")
		return errors.New("dsf")
	it.UserInfo = func() interface{} {
		return TestUserVO{}
	it.Login2 = func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
	it.Login3 = func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) interface{} {

		return nil
    it.Json = func(js string) interface{} {
		var m = map[string]interface{}{}
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(js), &m)
		for k,v := range m {
		return js

	it.Init(&it) //必须初始化,而且是指针

func main() {
	//自定义一个全局错误处理器 到调用链中
		Func: func(err interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			if err != nil {
		Name: "ErrorFilter",

		Func: func(result *interface{}, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
			var v = reflect.ValueOf(*result)
			if strings.Contains(v.Type().String(), "error") {
				*result = TestUserVO{}
			return false
		Name: "ResultFilter",

	//初始化 控制器
	var testController = TestController{}

	http.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {

	println("服务启动于 ","")

	http.ListenAndServe("", nil)
  • 启动Main-Controller.go 后即可在日志查看 具体挂载的http接口地址,例如上面定义的/login2 挂载为(基地址+具体接口地址) 如 /api/login2
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Login func(string, string, *int) interface {} method:"get" path:"/api/login" arg:"phone,pwd,age" doc:"登录接口" doc_arg:"phone:手机号,pwd:密码,age:年龄"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Login2 func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) path:"/api/login2" arg:"w,r" doc:"登录接口"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Login3 func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) interface {} path:"/api/login3" arg:"w,r" method:"get" doc:"登录接口"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Login4 func(string, string, *http.Request) interface {} path:"/api/login4" arg:"phone:18969542172,pwd,r" doc:"登录接口"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Upload func(easy_mvc.MultipartFile) interface {} path:"/api/upload" arg:"file" doc:"文件上传"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  Json func(string) interface {} path:"/api/json" arg:"js" doc:"json数据,需要Header/Content-Type设置application/api/json"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_mvc] http.HandleFunc main.TestController  =>  UserInfo func() interface {} path:"/api/api/login2"
2020/02/22 00:42:55 [easy_rpc] warning not registed !============= UserInfo2 func() (interface {}, interface {}) func return num > 1 
  • 也可以EnableSwagger允许swagger ui即可在localhost:8080 查看swagger ui接口,代码查看Main-Swagger.go,
easy_swagger.EnableSwagger("localhost:8080", easy_swagger.SwaggerConfig{
		//SecurityDefinitionConfig: &easy_swagger.SecurityDefinitionConfig{
		//	easy_swagger.SecurityDefinition{
		//		ApiKey: easy_swagger.ApiKey{
		//			Type: "apiKey",
		//			Name: "access_token",
		//			In:   "query",
		//		},
		//	},
		//	"/api/login2",


Golang Web MVC AOP and IOC framework build on DI based on go Tag system. just like spring boot,spring mvc!这可能是你能找到的最灵活,最方便的框架

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%