zhuxb / x86-bootloader

An experimental x86 bootloader emulated on QEMU

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The project is an experimental x86 bootloader (i386) for the learning purpose. Bootloader is a piece of program that runs before the operating system when a computer is turned on. Its primary goal is to ready the system for control by the kernel. The project is emulated with QEMU, which is a powerful machine emulator and virtualizer.

  • Print a string and hex bytes (not just ASCII characters) in 16-bit real mode with BIOS interrupt call (int 0x10)
  • Understand the concepts of stack and function calls
  • Understand the memory addressing of 8086/80286/80386: segmentation and flat model
  • Load data from disk with BIOS interrupt call (int 0x13)
  • Implement the global descriptor table (GDT) structure
  • Switch to 32-bit protected mode: disable interrupt, load GDT, enable PE flag in CR0, flush pipeline
  • Print a string in 32-bit protected mode with video memory (VGA)
  • Load the kernel


Install QEMU emulator in Kali Linux

$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86

Type the following commands or simply run make command

  • Compile the assembly code into binary

    $ nasm boot.asm -f bin -o boot.bin
  • Compile the files about kernel and link object files into binary

    $ nasm kernel_entry.asm -f elf -o kernel_entry.o
    $ gcc -m32 -fno-pie -ffreestanding -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
    $ ld -m elf_i386 -s -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x1000 kernel_entry.o kernel.o --oformat binary 
  • Concatenate two binary files into one image

    $ cat boot.bin kernel.bin > bootloader
  • Boot QEMU off a floppy disk

    $ qemu-system-i386 -fda bootloader

If you want to debug the code, you can connect to gdb remotely with the port 1234

(gdb) target remote localhost:1234


The program first prints a string in 16-bit real mode with BIOS interrupt call. Then prepare to load the kernel from the disk and switch to 32-bit protected mode. Finally, it lands on 32-bit protected mode and loads the kernel. As you can see, the program executes the function that is located in the kernel. That is, print 'X' with video memory successfully.


An experimental x86 bootloader emulated on QEMU


Language:Assembly 83.8%Language:Makefile 12.6%Language:C 3.5%