zhum / telebot

Universal extensible chat bot platform. Supports console, telegram and facebook for now.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is chat bot.

Main features:

  • many messengers can be supported by 'adapters',
  • included telegram and facebook messenger support,
  • all messengers adapters can work simultaneously,
  • ability to notify subscribed users on external events,
  • no programming needed to start!
  • new features can be added by implementing new processor modules,
  • opensource and free!

How it works

Every time, user is connected, bot assigns a 'state' to him. First state is always 'main'. Old state is remembered. On state enter or new event (incoming message) bot can send a message to user, show a menu to him, and change current state. All states are described in configuration file, which can be reloaded on the fly.

User can be authenticated or not. This allows to route him by different ways. State can do action and immediately pass control to next state (be careful for infinite loops!).

How do processors work

Processor class should implement can_enter and can_process_event class methods. They check state description and event, and decide, can this processor do some action on state enter and event accordingly. Processor should be inherited from GenericProcessor class. See 'Processors' section below.

How do adapters work

To implement new adapter, two classes should be implemented: Sender and Adapter. Sender class can only send messages to user, Adapter encapsulates messenger logic. See 'Adapters' section below.

How do notifications work

Bot is listening on special port (see service_port below) and if somebody send POST request on url http:host/event/GROUP, then all users, subscribed to GROUP will get notification with text, passed in request body. Post request should use secret token (see service_token below. If parameter reenter=1 is passed, the after notification message bot will try to reenter current user state (e.g. show menu again). See set_send_sample.sh for reference.

By default configuration is stored in teleconfig.yaml file, but you can pass another name as first argument to bot.

Now three adapters are included:

  • console,
  • telegram (includes proxy support),
  • facebook messenger.

Included processors:

  • authentication,
  • external program execution (which can return text, path to image or menu description),
  • groups subscriptions.


User information is stored in yaml-database. User is just a hash with 'ADAPTER-id' field for each adapter. Each user has unique id. We recommend to store one 'user' for each adapter for each real user, do not merge them into one database 'user'. You can change this by re-implementing Users class in file users.rb. See 'Users class' below.

configuration YAML-file description:

:conf section


  • proxy: http://.... proxy address
  • proxy_user: .... proxy user
  • proxy_pass: .... proxy password
  • proxy_http: yes/no 'yes' = http proxy, 'no' = socks5 proxy


  • service_port: 8003 port for notifications

  • service_token: 'secret' secret token for notifications

  • telegram_token: 'XXXXXX:yyyyyyy' telegram bot token

  • text_socket: /tmp/tele_text_sock socket for console bot

  • fb_token: qweqweq facebook token

  • fb_verify_token: 123456 facebook verify token

  • fb_app_secret: qweasdzxc facebook app secret

  • fb_port: 5550 listen port for facebook bot

  • server_base: 'https://qqq.ngrok.io' base url for images uploads

  • users: ./bot_users.yaml path to users yaml database

:states (states table)

IMPORTANT: :unauthorized, :state, :menu and :events keys started with ':', others (usually) not.

  msg: Hello!              # message on state enter

  my_var: 1234             # set variable, associated with user
  :unauthorized: state     # immediately go to state, if user
                           # is not authorized
  :state:  state           # go to state after all. Can be 
                           # cancelled by :menu:

  :menu:                   # show menu on state enter
    e1: "Hi !"             # format: event_name: menu text

  :events:                 # events list
    state_name:            # event name or "_other"
                           # (event name is stored in "last_event" variable)
      state: e2            # go to state e2

      something: value     # set variable 'something' to 'value'

      exec: cmd arg        # execute command
      ok_state: e2         # go to e2 if command exit code = 0
      fail_state: e3       # go to e3 if command exit code != 0

      clear_vars: 1        # delete all variables!

Special options in states (not menu)


auth_check: prompt      # Secret question
auth_answer: "..."      # Answer on secret question
auth_cmd: "..."         # Answer check command (get answer and 
                        # username). Check is passed if command
                        # prints 'ok'
auth_fail: "..."        # Message on authentication fail
fail_state: state       # New state on authentication fail
auth_msg: "..."         # Message on authentication ok
ok_state: state         # New state on authentication ok
timeout: N              # Command execution timeout

TODO: implement auth_check_cmd, which generates secret question TODO: pass variables to all commands

Groups subscriptions

subscriptions: type  # Subscriptions actions:
                     # all  = list all available
                     # my   = list subscribed on
                     # new  = subscribe to new
                     # del  = unsubscribe one
next_state: st       # after 'all' or 'my' go to state st
cancel: "..."        # (un)subscribe cancellation text
ok_state: st         # go to state st after (un)subscribe
ok_msg: "..."        # show message after (un)subscribe
cancel_state: st     # go to state st if (un)subscribe cancelled
cancel_msg: "..."    # show message if (un)subscribe cancelled

Commands execution

exec: cmd           # execute cmd
ok_state: st        # go to state if command exit code = 0
fail_state: st      # go to state if command exit code != 0
next_state: st      # go to state anyway
is_jpeg: anything   # command prints path to image in jpeg format
is_png: anything    # command prints path to image in png format
is_gif: anything    # command prints path to image in gif format
is_menu: anything   # command prints menu (menu options are printed
                    # via ';', option format - 'str=state')
lines:  @N,@M       # @ = '+'/'' or '-', N,M - integers. Cut program
                    # output lines. Use only M lines from N. If M<0
                    # then N lines from M-th from last.
                    # Count starts with 0 !!!
timeout: N          # Command execution timeout


All processors should be inherited from GenericProcessor class. All methods are class methods.

class BlaBlaBlaProcessor < GenericProcessor
  class << self

    # Called on state enter by event, checks if this processor is
    # appliable. If returns true, then `on_enter` is called.
    def can_enter processor, event

    # Called on event
    # If returns true, then `on_event` is called
    def can_process_event processor, event

    # Called on transition from `old` state by event
    def on_enter processor, old, event
      processor.sender.send_message processor.get_var('hello', 'Hi, '+processor.username)

    # Called on event
    def on_event processor, event
      processor.sender.send_message "Hi, I am "+processor.get_var('my_name', 'bot Vasya')
      processor.change_state processor.get_var('new_state','main')
  end #self

# register this processor
StateProcessor.register_processor BlaBlaBlaProcessor

All 'processor' arguments are exemplars of StateProcessor class. This class can interact with real adapter.


update user data


dump user variables to lo file

change_state new_state

after processor method finish tell bot to change user state

set_var name, value

set user variable

get_var name, default=nil

get user variable (default - if variable not found). Special variables are autogenerated: every field in state description (except 'clear_vars', :menu, :events), username, authorized, groups, user_groups, last_event.

get_exp_var name, default=nil

Get variable value with substituted other variables. E.g. having variables name="Bot" and greeting="Hello, I am %name%", get_exp_var greeting will return "Hell, I am Bot".

state_conf key

Data from state description (like 'ok_state' etc)

old_state_conf key

Data from previous state description

event_conf key

Data from state ':event' section

old_event_conf key

Data from previous state ':event' section

send_text txt, opts=nil

Obviously send text to user

send_photo photo, type='image/jpeg'

Send image to user. photo - path to image file.

send_menu menu, opts=nil

Send menu. Format:

  [["id1","item 1 menu text"],["id2","..."],...],


[["id1","item 1 menu text"],["id2","..."],...]

Note: telegram supports menus with several lines of buttons, facebook messenger supports only up to 11 buttons and all of them will be placed in one line (you can use first format too).

set_auth val=1

(Un)authorize user

subscribe grp

Subscribe user to group

unsubscribe grp

Unsubscribe user from group

self.register_processor MyProcessor

use MyProcessor in bot

Automatic variables

username = user name
authorized = 1 if authorized, 0 if not
groups = all groups
user_groups = all groups, user is subscribed to


To implement new adapter you should implement Sender and Loop classes.

Sender class

initialize seed, user

Constructor. seed can be anything specific for your adapter, user - default user.

send_message msg, opts={}

Send text and/or menu. opts[:chat] - user address. opts[:menu] - menu description (see format in Processors section).

send_photo photo, type=nil

Send image. photo - path to file, type - mime type.

Loop class

This class should be inherited from TeleLoop class and tho methods:


Returns a string, identifying this messenger, e.g. 'nullteleport'. This string will be used in User class as attribute name for messenger id storing, by adding '-id'. E.g.: 'nullteleport-id'

self.go(stuff, queue)

This method is called from main code in separated thread. stuff is usually token or something like this, but you can better get it from configuration. May be eliminated in the future. queue - Queue exemplar, via this queue external event will be delivered to you.

Important! Your code should include something like this:

  self.sender=MySender.new(....) # create sender exemplar and store it by `self.sender=...`
  start_async(queue) # start queue processing

You can reassign sender at any time, but it should be actual at every moment and be able to send messages to all users.

Users class


Open new yaml-database


Just get all users in one array


All possible user groups


Iterate through users


Iterate users, who has given groups


Sync data to disk

add id, data, groups=[]

Create new user. If id is nil, generate new unique id (recommended). data = hash with initial user data.

check_group group

Check if this group exists

get_user_groups user

Get list of groups, which given user is subscribed to

set_user_groups user, gr

Update user groups

add_user_group user, gr

Add new group to user groups

del_user_group user, gr

Delete group from user groups

grp g

Get group description

exist? id

Check if user with given id exists


Get user by id (e.g. Users[123])

find_by name, val

Get user by attribute value. E.g. Users.find_by 'Car_model', 'Tesla 42'

set id, name, value

Set user attribute, e.g. Users.set 1111, 'Car_model', 'Tesla 42'

get id, name

Get user attribute by name

set_user_var id, var, value

Set variable, associated with user. It can be not persistent, but works in session

del_user_var id, name

Delete variable, associated with user.

get_user_var id, var

Get variable value, associated with user.


Universal extensible chat bot platform. Supports console, telegram and facebook for now.


Language:Ruby 99.0%Language:Shell 1.0%