zhubingbing / IntelliFlash-csi-block-driver

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IntelliFlash CSI Block Driver


The Intelliflash Container Storage Interface (CSI) Block Driver provides a CSI interface used by Container Orchestrators (CO) to manage the lifecycle of Intelliflash volumes over iSCSI protocol.

Feature List

Feature Feature Status CSI Driver Version CSI Spec Version Kubernetes Version Intelliflash Version
Static Provisioning GA >= v1.0.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
Dynamic Provisioning GA >= v1.0.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
RW mode GA >= v1.0.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
RO mode GA >= v1.0.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
Creating and deleting snapshot GA >= v1.2.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.20 >=3.11.2
Provision volume from snapshot GA >= v1.2.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.20 >=3.11.2
Provision volume from another volume GA >= v1.3.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.20 >=3.11.2
List snapshots of a volume Beta >= v1.2.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.20 >=3.11.2
Expand volume GA >= v1.3.0 >= v1.1.0 >=1.16 >=3.11.2
Access list for volume (NFS only) GA >= v1.3.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
Topology Beta >= v1.4.0 >= v1.0.0 >=1.17 >=3.11.2
Raw block device In development future >= v1.0.0 >=1.14 >=3.11.2
StorageClass Secrets Beta >= v1.3.0 >=1.0.0 >=1.13 >=3.11.2
Mount options GA >=v1.0.0 >=v1.0.0 >=v1.13 >=3.11.2


  • Kubernetes cluster must allow privileged pods, this flag must be set for the API server and the kubelet (instructions):

  • Required the API server and the kubelet feature gates (instructions):


    If you are planning on using topology, the following feature-gates are required

  • Mount propagation must be enabled, the Docker daemon for the cluster must allow shared mounts (instructions)


  1. Create Intelliflash project for the driver, example: csi-block.

  2. Clone driver repository

    git clone https://bitbucket.eng-us.tegile.com/eco/intelliflash-csi-block-driver.git
    cd intelliflash-csi-block-driver
  3. Edit deploy/kubernetes/intelliflash-csi-block-driver-config.yaml file. Driver configuration example:

    restIp:   # [required] IntelliFlash REST API endpoint
    username: admin                    # [required] IntelliFlash REST API username
    password: t                        # [required] IntelliFlash REST API password
    defaultProject: csi-block          # default project name for driver's volume
    defaultDataIp:        # default IntelliFlash data IP

useChapAuth: true                           # Defines whether CHAP authentication is enabled
chapUser: admin                             # CHAP username
chapSecret: chapsecretif                    # CHAP secret
initiatorGroup: csi-block-chap-initiator-group  # Initiator group associated with project, required for CHAP
debug: true
  1. Create Kubernetes secret from the file:
    kubectl create secret generic intelliflash-csi-block-driver-config --from-file=deploy/kubernetes/intelliflash-csi-block-driver-config.yaml
  2. Register driver to Kubernetes:
    kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/intelliflash-csi-block-driver.yaml


Dynamically provisioned volumes

For dynamic volume provisioning, the administrator needs to set up a StorageClass pointing to the driver. In this case Kubernetes generates volume name automatically (for example pvc-ns-cfc67950-fe3c-11e8-a3ca-005056b857f8). Default driver configuration may be overwritten in parameters section:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-sc-nginx-dynamic
provisioner: intelliflash-csi-block-driver.intelliflash.com
mountOptions:                        # list of options for `mount -o ...` command
#  - noatime                         #
#- matchLabelExpressions:            # use to following lines to configure topology by zones
#  - key: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
#    values:
#    - us-east


Run Nginx pod with dynamically provisioned volume:

kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-dynamic-volume.yaml

# to delete this pod:
kubectl delete -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-dynamic-volume.yaml

Pre-provisioned volumes

The driver can use already existing Intelliflash volumes, in this case, StorageClass, PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim should be configured.

StorageClass configuration

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: intelliflash-csi-driver-cs-nginx-persistent
provisioner: intelliflash-csi-driver.intelliflash.com
mountOptions:                        # list of options for `mount -o ...` command
#  - noatime                         #

PersistentVolume configuration

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: intelliflash-csi-driver-pv-nginx-persistent
    name: intelliflash-csi-driver-pv-nginx-persistent
  storageClassName: intelliflash-csi-driver-cs-nginx-persistent
    - ReadWriteMany
    storage: 1Gi
    driver: intelliflash-csi-driver.intelliflash.com
    volumeHandle: array1:csi-block-test1:nginx-persistent
  #mountOptions:  # list of options for `mount` command
  #  - noatime    #

CSI Parameters:

Name Description Example
driver installed driver name "intelliflash-csi-block-driver.intelliflash.com" intelliflash-csi-block-driver.intelliflash.com
volumeHandle NS appliance name from config and path to existing Intelliflash volume [configName:project:volume] array1:csi-block-test1:nginx-persistent

PersistentVolumeClaim (pointed to created PersistentVolume)

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: intelliflash-csi-driver-pvc-nginx-persistent
  storageClassName: intelliflash-csi-driver-cs-nginx-persistent
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 1Gi
      # to create 1-1 relationship for pod - persistent volume use unique labels
      name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-pv-nginx-persistent


Run nginx server using PersistentVolume.

Note: Pre-configured volume should exist on the Intelliflash: csi-block-test1:nginx-persistent.

kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-persistent-volume.yaml

# to delete this pod:
kubectl delete -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-persistent-volume.yaml

Cloned volumes

We can create a clone of an existing csi volume. To do so, we need to create a PersistentVolumeClaim with dataSource spec pointing to an existing PVC that we want to clone. In this case Kubernetes generates volume name automatically (for example pvc-ns-cfc67950-fe3c-11e8-a3ca-005056b857f8).

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-pvc-nginx-dynamic-clone
  storageClassName: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-cs-nginx-dynamic
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiGroup: ""
    name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-pvc-nginx-dynamic # pvc name
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 1Gi


Run Nginx pod with dynamically provisioned volume:

kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-clone-volume.yaml

# to delete this pod:
kubectl delete -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-clone-volume.yaml


Note: this feature is an alpha feature.

# create snapshot class
kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/snapshot-class.yaml

# take a snapshot
kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/take-snapshot.yaml

# deploy nginx pod with volume restored from a snapshot
kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/nginx-snapshot-volume.yaml

# snapshot classes
kubectl get volumesnapshotclasses.snapshot.storage.k8s.io

# snapshot list
kubectl get volumesnapshots.snapshot.storage.k8s.io

# snapshot content list
kubectl get volumesnapshotcontents.snapshot.storage.k8s.io

CHAP Authentication

  • Configure a project (or a separate iSCSI target) with iSCSI CHAP authentication enabled on Intelliflash appliance.
  • Create an initiatorGroup on IF array that will be used for CSI initiators.
  • Use values from the iSCSI target and initiator group in CSI config yaml. Example:
  useChapAuth: true                           # Defines whether CHAP authentication is enabled
  chapUser: admin                             # CHAP username
  chapSecret: chapsecretif                    # CHAP secret
  initiatorGroup: csi-chap-initiator-group    # Initiator group associated with project, required for CHAP

InheritProjectSettings option

This option tells the driver whether it should inherit iSCSI options from the project or use what is provided via storage class parameters or config. If this option is set to true, no additional settings are required. If you want to use a separate iSCSI target/target group, use false and provide the following parameters. For storageClass parameters:

  • target
  • targetGroup
  • iSCSIPort (optional)

Example storageClass:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-pvc-nginx-dynamic-clone
  storageClassName: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-cs-nginx-dynamic
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiGroup: ""
    name: intelliflash-csi-block-driver-pvc-nginx-dynamic # pvc name
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 1Gi
  targetGroup: non-default
  target: non-default
  inheritProjectSettings: "false"

For config values a prefix 'Default' is added to each parameter, as follows:

  • DefaultTarget
  • DefaultTargetGroup
  • DefaultISCSIPort

Example config file:

    restIp:   # [required] IntelliFlash REST API endpoint
    username: admin                    # [required] IntelliFlash REST API username
    password: t                        # [required] IntelliFlash REST API password
    defaultProject: csi-block          # default project name for driver's volume
    defaultDataIp:        # default IntelliFlash data IP
    inheritProjectSettings: false      # defines whether the volume should inherit iscsi mapping from the project or create depending on csi config
    defaultTarget: csi                 # default target to use when inheritProjectSettings=false
    defaultTargetGroup: csi            # default target group to use when inheritProjectSettings=false
    defaultHostGroup: csi              # default host group to use when inheritProjectSettings=false
    defaultISCSIPort: 3260             # default iSCSI port to use when inheritProjectSettings=false

useChapAuth: true                           # Defines whether CHAP authentication is enabled
chapUser: admin                             # CHAP username
chapSecret: chapsecretif                    # CHAP secret
initiatorGroup: csi-block-chap-initiator-group  # Initiator group associated with project, required for CHAP
debug: true


Using the same files as for installation:

# delete driver
kubectl delete -f deploy/kubernetes/intelliflash-csi-block-driver.yaml

# delete secret
kubectl delete secret intelliflash-csi-block-driver-config


  • Show installed drivers:
    kubectl get csidrivers
    kubectl describe csidrivers
  • Error:
    MountVolume.MountDevice failed for volume "pvc-ns-<...>" :
    driver name intelliflash-csi-block-driver.intelliflash.com not found in the list of registered CSI drivers
    Make sure kubelet configured with --root-dir=/var/lib/kubelet, otherwise update paths in the driver yaml file (all requirements).
  • "VolumeSnapshotDataSource" feature gate is disabled:
    vim /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
    # ```
    # featureGates:
    #   VolumeSnapshotDataSource: true
    # ```
    vim /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
    # ```
    #     - --feature-gates=VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true
    # ```
  • Driver logs
    kubectl logs -f intelliflash-csi-controller-0 driver
    kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pods | awk '/intelliflash-csi-node/ {print $1;exit}') driver
  • Show termination message in case driver failed to run:
    kubectl get pod intelliflash-csi-controller-0 -o go-template="{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{.lastState.terminated.message}}{{end}}"
  • Configure Docker to trust insecure registries:
    # add `{"insecure-registries":[""]}` to:
    vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
    service docker restart


Commits should follow Conventional Commits Spec. Commit messages which include feat: and fix: prefixes will be included in CHANGELOG automatically.


# print variables and help

# build go app on local machine
make build

# build container (+ using build container)
make container-build

# update deps
~/go/bin/dep ensure


Without installation to k8s cluster only version command works:

./bin/nexentastor-csi-driver --version


# push the latest built container to the local registry (see `Makefile`)
make container-push-local

# push the latest built container to hub.docker.com
make container-push-remote
