zhsyy / mwp

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MWP: Multi-Window Parallel Evaluation of Regular Path Queries on Streaming Graphs

MWP is a new streaming query strategy for multi-window parallel approach. The idea is to provide a data structure containing multiple versions corresponding to multiple windows, eliminating the blocking phase between sliding windows. The new query data structure is called a timestamp rooted directed graph (TRD). Each TRD records all paths in the flow graph where the label sequence (part) matches the regular expression. This is similar to querying a spanning tree, but each node in the TRD follows the MWP strategy, recording the path from the root to itself in multiple sliding windows. Although TRD records multiple versions, the data structure is quite effective in avoiding repeated processing of edges.


This archive is free for use for academic and non-profit purposes, but if you use it, please reference it properly.


The code is provided without warranty of any kind. While we thoroughly tested all code bases on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Windows Subsystem of Linux), we do not guarantee that they are exempt from bugs, nor that they will work on other platforms. If you encounter any issues with the code, please feel free to propose them on the ISSUE page of this repo. We will do our best to address your concerns but do not promise to resolve all issues.



All requirements for libraries are included in the pom.xml file. After importing the project, please first follow all required dependencies.

Build & Run

This is a Java project. The Java version we used for testing is 17, however, we subjectively believe that it can run on relatively lower versions.

If you have access to an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, just open the project and work with it and build it automatically, then run QueryOnLocal.java in package “runtime”.

Note that we conducted experiments on the server by packaging the code into a jar package. The dependencies and information required to package the jar package are included in the pom.xml file.

Other, please see instructions below.


  1. All configurations are written in pom.xml. The information of the dataset has been given in the paper. To complete your task, please read through and install all dependency files.

  2. The project structure mainly contains 5 modules. The input package mainly handles file reading operations; the runtime package is the entry point for code running, which temporarily only contains a QueryOnLocal.java file; under the stree package, the data package contains the implementation of TRD ; The engine package handles the expansion and maintenance of TRD; the query package contains the implementation of DFA and NFA (which we will expand in the future); the util package contains various tool classes, including constants for environment parameter configuration, and classes for monitoring data.

  3. For the parameters passed in when the code is running, please refer to the instructions in the runtime/QueryOnLocal.java file.

  4. For configuration during project running, please view stree/util/Constants.java


The data sets (SO and Yago3) we used in the paper are free and open source for download.

Please see https://stackexchange.com/ and https://yago-knowledge.org/ to learn how to download and use them.


If you have any questions, feel free to write your question in ISSUE.



Language:Java 100.0%