zhs007 / RNG


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


About RNG

This is a node.js project.
The core is written in c, so you need to compile with node-gyp, you need install gcc (>= 4.9), python (2.7 or >= 3.6).

In order to ensure the consistent output of sha1sum, we provide a dockerfile. In the case that all dependencies are consistent, we can get the same hash.

If you use windows, you must use docker and need to switch docker to the linux container.

How to use

  1. build docker.
docker build -t rng .
  1. generate binary hash.
docker stop rng
docker rm rng
docker run -it --name rng rng sha1sum /app/node_modules/libfortuna/build/Release/fortuna.node
  1. generate binary format RNG output files.
mkdir output
docker stop rng
docker rm rng
docker run -it --name rng -v $PWD/output:/app/output rng node /app/bin/rnga.js
  1. generate txt format RNG output file (for each scaling range).
mkdir output
docker stop rng
docker rm rng
docker run -it --name rng -v $PWD/output:/app/output rng node /app/bin/rngb.js

The results are in the output directory.

About libfortuna

libfortuna uses code from the PostgreSQL database project.

The original source location (in the postgres source tree) is contrib/pgcrypto. Also, parts of src/include/postgres.h and src/include/c.h.

About libfortunajs

libfortunajs is a nodejs c++ addon project.

This library can be compiled with node-gyp .

libfortunajs export some functions, which in our game only use randomInt .

Install or Compile libfortunajs

libfortunajs has been publish to npm , all projects base nodejs can be download source code to compile and use.

npm i libfortuna --save

Nodejs version 8.x is recommended.

libfortunajs compile with node-gyp .

except nodejs, you need to python 2.x, gcc 4.9 (on linux), and on mac osx also need xcode, on windows recommended to node-gyp installation instructions.


const libfortuna = require('libfortuna');

for (let ii = 0; ii < this.axisnums; ++ii) {
    lstLastSymbol[ii] = libfortuna.randomInt(lstSymbol[ii].length);


core library: libfortunajs-1.2.15.tar.gz

grpc server: rngserv.zip

Binary hash

The binary file compiled by the rng library is /app/node_modules/libfortuna/build/Release/fortuna.node.
The sha1sum of the iTech certificate record is f5b667f2cbde7e0045f7fcd1260c8dfa453ae841.

Because our core library needs to be compiled in c++, the result will be different under different operating systems, you need to use the script we provide under linux to get the exact same hashcode.

List of scaling ranges

The scaling ranges source

// randomInt(max)
// return [0, max)
void randomInt(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
    if (info.Length() != 1) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("randomInt: Wrong number of arguments.");


    if (!info[0]->IsNumber()) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("randomInt: Wrong arguments.");


    v8::Local<v8::Number> max = info[0].As<v8::Number>();
    if (max->Value() <= 0) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("randomInt: Invalid max velue.");

    unsigned int maxval = (unsigned int)max->Value();

    unsigned int cr = 0;
    unsigned long long MAX_RANGE = ((unsigned long long)1) << 32;
    unsigned long long limit = MAX_RANGE - (MAX_RANGE % maxval);
    do {
        fortuna_get_bytes(4, (uint8*)&cr);
    } while (cr >= limit);
    v8::Local<v8::Number> num = Nan::New<v8::Number>(cr % maxval);

The sample is

38, 34, 36, 69, 50, 6, 9
const libfortuna = require('libfortuna');
const fs = require('fs');

const SCALING_RANGES = [38, 34, 36, 69, 50, 6, 9];
const MAX_NUMBER = 10000000;
const BUF_LENGTH = 10000;

 * genFile - Generate a file for rng
 * @param {string} fn - This is the file name of the output file
 * @param {int} range - This is the range of random numbers that need to be generated
 * @param {int} max - This is the number of random numbers that need to be generated
function genFile(fn, range, max) {
  const fd = fs.openSync(fn, 'w');

  let buf = '';
  let i = 0;
  for (; i < max; ++i) {
    const n = libfortuna.randomInt(range);
    buf += n.toString() + '\r\n';
    if (i % BUF_LENGTH == 0) {
      fs.writeSync(fd, buf, -1, 'utf-8');
      buf = '';

  if ((i - 1) / BUF_LENGTH != 0) {
    fs.writeSync(fd, buf, -1, 'utf-8');


for (let i = 0; i < SCALING_RANGES.length; ++i) {
  const fn = 'rng_b_' + SCALING_RANGES[i] + '.txt';

  console.log('generate ' + fn + ' ok.');

If you use another development language, you need to process the rng scale yourself, here is an example of golang.

	maxval := int64(r)

	cr := 0
	MAX_RANGE := int64(1) << 32
	limit := MAX_RANGE - (MAX_RANGE % maxval)

	for {
		cr = int(plugin.Rngs[0])
		plugin.Rngs = plugin.Rngs[1:]

		if int64(cr) < limit {

	v := cr % r




Language:JavaScript 66.5%Language:Shell 26.6%Language:Dockerfile 6.8%