zhoupengwa / XhuStore

there is a server program of the website which provides services of all students in XHU university for secong-handing transaction.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


There is a server program of the website which provides services of all students in XHU university for second-handing transaction.

The program is very simple that used SSM and MAVEN framework to build it.

Redis is simply used for cache some data in order to improve the performance.

What's more,we used some small framework like GSON、COMMON-FILEUPLOADS.


1. 该项目的使用基于注解的声明式事物,所有事物控制全部使用注解实现.

2. 由于spring的声明式事物默认只支持运行时异常的回滚,故业务逻辑层的所有异常都必须以运行时异常的形式抛出.

3. 所有接口均设计为Restful格式.

4. 阿里规范要求:数据订正时,删除和修改记录时,要先 select,避免出现误删除,确认无误才能执 行更新语句。 但是本程序为了提高效率,在更新前可不采用select操作,更新失 败直接返回明显已知异常,以开发者更加注意代码的走查与审查作为代价。

5. 所有的分页查询必须从mysql层面进行效率优化,规避数据量过大带来的性能瓶颈。


there is a server program of the website which provides services of all students in XHU university for secong-handing transaction.


Language:Java 100.0%