a collection of MATLAB util functions.
All functions in this repo are used by multiple packages developed by me, but they are too small to be an independent package. So I put everything into one repo. Most functions were written by me, but some are downloaded from internet (see acknowledgement below).
- tight_subplot: Fills the figure with axes subplots with easily adjustable margins and gaps between the axes. by Pekka Kumpulainen
- minBoundingBox: Compute quickly the minimal bounding box of a set of 2D points. by Julien Diener
- genpath_exlude.m: Executes like genpath, but can ignore specified directories. by Jesse Hopkins
- export_fig: A toolbox for exporting figures from MATLAB to standard image and document formats nicely. by Yair Altman
- Polygon2Voxel: Convert a triangulated mesh into a voxel volume. by Dirk-Jan Kroon
Pengcheng Zhou @ Columbia University, 2019