zhna123 / orbittalk-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Backend REST API for Orbit Talk app.

  • Express
  • Mongo DB
  • Mongoose
  • Typescript
  • Jest (testing)

Using the REST API

Access the REST API of the server using the following endpoints:


/users - Fetch authenticated user's detail

/users/:id - Fetch a user's detail (used to find friends of the authenticated user)

/users/:username - Look up a user by its username (used to look up and add new friend)

/conversations - Fetch all conversations of the authenticated user

/conversations/:id - Get a conversation by its id


/sign-up - user sign up

/auth/login - user log in

/conversations - Create a new conversation


/users/password - update user password

/users/avatar - update user avatar

/conversations/:id/messages - Create a new message in a conversation

/conversations/messages - Update all messages in the conversation as read


/auth/logout - user log out

Schema design

  • Store messages directly in Conversation model for simplicity


npm run serverstart


  • npm install bcryptjs

Authentication & Authorization

  • Used passportJS LocalStrategy for user authorization
  • JWT Token and Refresh Token Authentication
  • Implemented token blacklist (saved in DB) for logout

Library used:

  • npm install passport
  • npm install passport-local
  • npm install jsonwebtoken


Generate secret keys:


Using Typescript

  1. Install type definitions

npm i -D typescript @types/express @types/node

  1. Generate tsconfig.json

npx tsc --init

  1. Specify outDir - eg: "outDir": "dist",

  2. Rename files with .ts extension, and modify files(change imports, add types, .etc) accordingly

  3. Install ts-node

npm install -D ts-node

  1. Modify start script in package.json to use ts-node

  2. Run app and fix remaining errors


  • Manual testing with POSTMAN

  • Unit Test (Jest + SuperTest)

    npm test

    1. Install Jest npm install --save-dev jest

    2. Use ts-jest

    • npm install --save-dev ts-jest

    • create jest config file npx ts-jest config:init

    1. Install type definitions and import APIs from it npm install --save-dev @jest/globals
    1. Add script "test": "jest --detectOpenHandles" in package.json

    2. Install SuperTest npm install supertest --save-dev



Language:TypeScript 95.7%Language:JavaScript 4.1%Language:CSS 0.3%