zhiqic / TrackGPT

Tracking with Human-Intent Reasoning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Framework License

TrackGPT is a new tracking architecture that is capable of performing complex reasoning-based tracking by injecting (Large Vision-Language Model) LVLM's comprehension of the multi-modal world. A new tracking task, Instruction Tracking (InsT), is proposed simultaneously in a context where perception and comprehension tasks are no longer clearly demarcated. We undertake this modest attempt to advance next-generation object tracking with more intelligence.


  • [2023/12/31] We make TrackGPT public.

🔥 Highlight

  • A new task called instruction tracking (InsT) is proposed, where a tracker must have the self-reasoning capability, autonomously interpret implicit instruction and track the target object. This human-tracker interaction paradigm aligns better with the way humans ask questions.

  • A benchmark, InsTrack, is also constructed for instruction tuning and evaluation.

  • This work present TrackGPT, a tracker that can comprehend human intent by leveraging the reasoning capability of LVLM. TrackGPT is designed sticking to a principle of simple yet effective, we hope this work could catalyze more compelling research in the future.

📝 Results

  • Referring Tracking
  • Instruction Tracking


  • Install the conda environment
conda create -n trackgpt python=3.9
conda activate trackgpt
  • Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation

🚗Run TrackGPT

sh TrackGPT_demo.sh

For example,

Please input your tracking instrcution: I'd like to focus on the protagonist of this street event. Please track the object.
Please input the video path: test_videos/breakdance

♥️ Acknowledgment

This project is based on LISA and LLaVA. Thanks for these excellent works.

📖 Citation

If you find TrackGPT useful for you, please consider citing 📣

      Title={Tracking with Human-Intent Reasoning}, 
      Author = {Jiawen Zhu and Zhi-Qi Cheng and Jun-Yan He and Chenyang Li and Bin Luo and Huchuan Lu and Yifeng Geng and Xuansong Xie},
      Year = {2023},
      Eprint = {arXiv:2312.xxx},


Tracking with Human-Intent Reasoning

License:Apache License 2.0