zhipenghoustat / record-screening-experiment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Record Screening Experiment

This repo contains a Python script for simulation experiment for the Paper "Enhancing Recall in Automated Record Screening: A Resampling Algorithm".

The script is a versatile tool for running experiments and checking how well the resampling algorithm from the paper works under different situations. It's set up to explore a wide range of scenarios and parameters, providing useful insights into how the algorithm behaves.

Function Definitions

  • calculate_sample_size(R, c)

    Calculates required sample sizes based on specified parameters.

  • sequence_gen_random(N, prevalence, seed)

    Generates a random sequence of data with a given prevalence.

  • sequence_gen_simulated(N, prevalence, seed)

    Generates a simulated sequence of data with priority scores.

  • sequence_gen_real()

    Retrieves real data from CSV files and ranked IDs from a serialized file.

  • record_sampling(y_full, k, seed)

    Performs record sampling to select a subset of records.

  • result_analysis(y_full, id_ranked, sample_list, c)

    Analyzes the sampled data to calculate recall, workload, and related metrics.

  • experiment(N, prevalence, R, c, seed, round, mode)

    Conducts experiments or simulations with specified parameters and collects relevant statistics.


The script conducts experiments in different modes:

- "sim" mode involves simulating data with simulated sequences.
- "random" mode simulates random data sequences.
- "real" mode uses real data retrieved from CSV files. It loads real data from CSV files and evaluates the system's performance using the same metrics.



Language:Python 100.0%