zhenpeiyang / FvOR

FvOR: Robust Joint Shape and Pose Optimization for Few-view Object Reconstruction

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FvOR: Robust Joint Shape and Pose Optimization for Few-view Object Reconstruction

⚙️ Installation

Our system uses CUDA10.1. Setup the environment with following commands:

conda create --name fvor python=3.8.0
conda activate fvor
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

cd ./src/lib/sdf_extension
python setup.py install
cd ../../../

📁 Download

Our ShapeNet dataset are based on Occupancy Network. Please go to Occupancy Network and download their processed data. And also download and uncompress our processed data and index file. You should make a folder structure as follows:

└── data
    └── shapenet
        ├── FvOR_ShapeNet
        │   └── 03001627
        │       └── ae02a5d77184ae2638449598167b268b
        ├── index
        │   ├── data
        │   │   └── 03001627_ae02a5d77184ae2638449598167b268b.npz
        │   ├── test.txt
        │   ├── train.txt
        │   └── val.txt
        └── ShapeNet   <- Occupancy Network's processed data
            └── 03001627
                └── ae02a5d77184ae2638449598167b268b

We also test our approach on HM3D-ABO dataset. Please follow the instructions in HM3D-ABO to setup the dataset.

⏳ ShapeNet

Click to expand


First download and extract ShapeNet training data and split. Then run following command to train our model.

Train Pose Init Module

bash scripts/shapenet/pose_init.sh  ./configs/shapenet/config_pose_init_fvor.yaml

Train Shape Init Module

bash scripts/shapenet/shape_init.sh  ./configs/shapenet/config_shape_init_fvor.yaml 

Joint Shape-and-Pose Optimization Module

You need to first train the shape init module. Then provided that checkpoint as the initial weight for training joint shape-and-pose optimization module.

bash scripts/shapenet/joint.sh  ./configs/shapenet/config_joint.yaml --noise_std 0.005



First download and extract data, split and pretrained models.

Shape Module

Testing FvOR recon model trained with Ground Truth camera poses.

bash scripts/shapenet/test_shape_init.sh  ./configs/shapenet/config_shape_init_fvor.yaml

You should get following results where for each metric we show mean/median:

classes IoU Chamfer-L1 Normal
car 0.78966/0.86160 0.00902/0.00780 0.88122/0.88809
bench 0.72131/0.74275 0.00459/0.00420 0.91949/0.93939
cabinet 0.84035/0.91216 0.00670/0.00605 0.93675/0.94482
rifle 0.82634/0.83985 0.00267/0.00240 0.94196/0.95006
loudspeaker 0.80380/0.85884 0.00970/0.00841 0.91553/0.93439
sofa 0.83387/0.88555 0.00638/0.00547 0.94379/0.95480
watercraft 0.74418/0.77834 0.00717/0.00630 0.89389/0.89511
table 0.68933/0.71080 0.00631/0.00536 0.93191/0.94281
airplane 0.80502/0.82466 0.00328/0.00256 0.92771/0.94142
telephone 0.87473/0.89383 0.00396/0.00336 0.97978/0.98560
lamp 0.68345/0.71213 0.00616/0.00508 0.90505/0.91853
display 0.79516/0.81113 0.00613/0.00546 0.95023/0.95460
chair 0.74117/0.75940 0.00615/0.00520 0.93033/0.94113
Overall 0.78064/0.81470 0.00602/0.00520 0.92751/0.93775

Pose Module

Testing FvOR pose estimation model.

bash scripts/shapenet/test_pose_init.sh ./configs/shapenet/config_pose_init_fvor.yaml

You should get following results:

classes Error_Pix Error_Rot Error_Trans
display 3.287/0.627 8.448/0.928 0.012/0.010
airplane 0.750/0.488 1.670/1.135 0.017/0.012
sofa 0.832/0.466 1.279/0.657 0.011/0.008
chair 0.727/0.532 1.215/0.828 0.012/0.009
lamp 2.524/1.528 7.641/4.054 0.024/0.015
car 0.530/0.444 0.830/0.699 0.010/0.009
cabinet 0.707/0.301 1.486/0.430 0.006/0.004
watercraft 0.969/0.771 2.290/1.669 0.020/0.017
rifle 1.528/0.550 4.452/1.609 0.023/0.018
loudspeaker 3.279/0.833 6.461/1.426 0.019/0.011
bench 0.724/0.406 1.371/0.695 0.010/0.008
table 1.172/0.348 2.067/0.447 0.009/0.005
telephone 1.220/0.433 3.700/0.885 0.010/0.008
Overall 1.404/0.594 3.301/1.189 0.014/0.010

Joint Shape-and-Pose Optimization Module

Testing FvOR full model with noisy input pose with different noise magnitude.

bash scripts/shapenet/test_joint.sh ./configs/shapenet/test_config_joint.yaml --noise_std 0.005

We use noise_std = {0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075} in our paper experiments. Such evaluation takes around 4 hours with 4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. When finish, you should see several tables. The first table list the final metrics after 3 alternation steps. Then there will be tables listing per-step metrics.

You should get something like these if you run with --noise_std 0.005

classes IoU ChamferL1 Normal
sofa 0.82785/0.88003 0.00710/0.00603 0.93701/0.94966
watercraft 0.72476/0.79181 0.00854/0.00719 0.87260/0.88030
table 0.69154/0.71308 0.00738/0.00559 0.91906/0.93406
cabinet 0.85904/0.91508 0.00805/0.00668 0.92446/0.92311
bench 0.67623/0.68392 0.00547/0.00505 0.89604/0.91215
car 0.79223/0.87456 0.00951/0.00836 0.87503/0.88206
chair 0.72057/0.74591 0.00737/0.00615 0.91392/0.92637
lamp 0.63754/0.69163 0.00974/0.00769 0.86965/0.88945
airplane 0.75356/0.77604 0.00474/0.00350 0.90310/0.92717
display 0.79926/0.80117 0.00704/0.00601 0.93633/0.93791
rifle 0.78764/0.80378 0.00386/0.00312 0.92098/0.93473
loudspeaker 0.80257/0.84934 0.01219/0.00932 0.90700/0.91931
telephone 0.89708/0.91087 0.00382/0.00342 0.97793/0.98349
Overall 0.76691/0.80286 0.00729/0.00601 0.91178/0.92306


classes step0 step1 step2 step3
sofa 0.75881/0.80133 0.81876/0.87326 0.82566/0.87720 0.82785/0.88003
watercraft 0.64152/0.69056 0.71531/0.78423 0.72171/0.78917 0.72476/0.79181
table 0.56633/0.58933 0.67476/0.68843 0.69061/0.70933 0.69154/0.71308
cabinet 0.81327/0.85720 0.85581/0.91572 0.85816/0.91513 0.85904/0.91508
bench 0.49186/0.52049 0.64679/0.66114 0.67004/0.68966 0.67623/0.68392
car 0.74156/0.80633 0.78504/0.86113 0.79069/0.87262 0.79223/0.87456
chair 0.57205/0.60851 0.68814/0.71468 0.71386/0.74174 0.72057/0.74591
lamp 0.48011/0.49397 0.60173/0.64573 0.63038/0.68511 0.63754/0.69163
airplane 0.53660/0.54194 0.69903/0.73453 0.73847/0.76738 0.75356/0.77604
display 0.70697/0.77447 0.78866/0.79659 0.79729/0.80047 0.79926/0.80117
rifle 0.53468/0.56082 0.72926/0.75873 0.78132/0.79721 0.78764/0.80378
loudspeaker 0.76775/0.82162 0.80123/0.84619 0.80194/0.84275 0.80257/0.84934
telephone 0.75342/0.79107 0.88990/0.90237 0.89519/0.90588 0.89708/0.91087
Overall 0.64346/0.68136 0.74572/0.78329 0.76272/0.79951 0.76691/0.80286

There will be also several other per-step tables like the IoU table above. And you can check the visualizations in test_results folder.

Test FvOR full model with predicted pose

bash scripts/shapenet/test_joint.sh ./configs/shapenet/test_config_joint.yaml --use_predicted_pose

Note that you need to first generate the predicted pose by running test command of FvOR pose module.

Test FvOR full model with G.T. pose

bash scripts/shapenet/test_joint.sh ./configs/shapenet/test_config_joint.yaml --use_gt_pose


Click to expand


First setup the HM3D-ABO dataset. Then run following command to train our model.

Train Pose Init Module

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/pose_init.sh  ./configs/HM3D_ABO/config_pose_init_fvor.yaml

Train Shape Init Module

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/shape_init.sh  ./configs/HM3D_ABO/config_shape_init_fvor.yaml 

Joint Shape-and-Pose Optimization Module

You need to first train the shape init module. Then provided that checkpoint as the initial weight for training joint shape-and-pose optimization module.

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/joint.sh  ./configs/HM3D_ABO/config_joint.yaml --noise_std 0.005



Please download the checkpoints for HM3D-ABO datasets and put them under this directory.

Shape Module

Testing FvOR recon model trained with Ground Truth camera poses.

bash scripts/hm3d_abo/test_shape_init.sh  ./configs/hm3d_abo/config_shape_init_fvor.yaml

You should get following results where for each metric we show mean/median:

classes IoU ChamferL1 Normal
HM3D_ABO 0.85517/0.88380 0.00848/0.00747 0.94955/0.95803
Overall 0.85517/0.88380 0.00848/0.00747 0.94955/0.95803

Pose Module

Testing FvOR pose estimation model.

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/test_pose_init.sh ./configs/HM3D_ABO/config_pose_init_fvor.yaml

You should get following results:

classes Error_Pix Error_Rot Error_Trans
HM3D_ABO 17.968/5.015 14.344/1.331 0.076/0.050
Overall 17.968/5.015 14.344/1.331 0.076/0.050

Joint Shape-and-Pose Optimization Module

Testing FvOR full model with noisy input pose with different noise magnitude.

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/test_joint.sh ./configs/HM3D_ABO/test_config_joint.yaml --noise_std 0.005

You should get something like these if you run with --noise_std 0.005

classes IoU ChamferL1 Normal
HM3D_ABO 0.84931/0.88010 0.00980/0.00843 0.93698/0.94923
Overall 0.84931/0.88010 0.00980/0.00843 0.93698/0.94923


classes step0 step1 step2 step3
HM3D_ABO 0.81886/0.86384 0.84796/0.87997 0.84956/0.88023 0.84931/0.88010
Overall 0.81886/0.86384 0.84796/0.87997 0.84956/0.88023 0.84931/0.88010

There will be also several other per-step tables like the IoU table above. And you can check the visualizations in test_results folder.

Test FvOR full model with predicted pose

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/test_joint.sh ./configs/HM3D_ABO/test_config_joint.yaml --use_predicted_pose

Note that you need to first generate the predicted pose by running test command of FvOR pose module.

Test FvOR full model with G.T. pose

bash scripts/HM3D_ABO/test_joint.sh ./configs/HM3D_ABO/test_config_joint.yaml --use_gt_pose

If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:

      title={FvOR: Robust Joint Shape and Pose Optimization for Few-view Object Reconstruction}, 
      author={Zhenpei Yang and Zhile Ren and Miguel Angel Bautista and Zaiwei Zhang and Qi Shan and Qixing Huang},


We thank the awesome codes from LoFTR, Occupancy Networks, BARF, and IDR.


FvOR: Robust Joint Shape and Pose Optimization for Few-view Object Reconstruction


Language:Python 74.3%Language:C++ 15.6%Language:Cython 4.2%Language:Cuda 3.6%Language:Shell 2.2%Language:C 0.0%