zhengzhugithub / UCT

UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-time Visual Tracking

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Zheng Zhu, Guan Huang, Wei Zou, Dalong Du, Chang Huang.

UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking. ICCV workshop (2017).

This paper is accepted by ICCV2017 Workshop and available at [paper]

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author = {Zhu, Zheng and Huang, Guan and Zou, Wei and Du, Dalong and Huang, Chang},
title = {UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017},


UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-time Visual Tracking