zhengyangruc / racez

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/racez

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

*****Now the README is very prelimary, any question, please send the mail to tianwei.sheng@gmail.com *************
Now Racez is implemented using libpfm. in order to compile the code and use the tool, you need to strictly follow the steps below:
1. prerequisite (Now we only test the following combination)
   * Linux kernel 2.6.30 (for kernel support)
   * libpfm (for PMU API)
   * libunwind (for stack trace reporting)
   * Intel Core 2, Intel NHM, AMD K10 machines
   * Ubuntu 9.10

1.1 build and install the kernel:
   - git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/eranian/linux-2.6.git
   source code will be in linux-2.6

   - you need a kernel config file, called .config. Two ways to get
one. First option
   is to grab the one from the Ubuntu kernel. It is in
/boot/config-2.6.XX. Copy it
   to .config in the top of the kernel source tree. Second option, grab it from
   /proc/config.gz. Decompress and copy as .config in top of kernel tree.

   - make (or -j8 to launch multiple compiles in parallel). You will be
prompted for
   additional questions, including some to enable perfmon. Say Y to perfmon,
   and perfmon debug, then say M for all processor support modules including
   PEBS. In the end your .config file should show:


- Once compile is finished, you need to install the kernel. The
easiest way to do
 this is to type: make install

- Then you need to install the kernel modules: make modules_install

- Then you need to create the initial ramdisk with the kernel modules:
 mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd-2.6.30.img 2.6.30

- Then you need to edit the bootloader config to add your kernel. For
this you need
 to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst. Clone an existing entry and make it
point to your kernel
 and initrd. It should look similar to:

 title           PMU
 root           (hd0,0)
 kernel        /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30
root=UUID=099a4e05-51fc-4c3d-95c7-80538ff44189 ro
 initrd          /boot/initrd-2.6.30.pmu

  - Finally reboot, when the grub menu show up, select your kernel
label, here PMU and watch
 it boot. If that fails, then reboot and pick the regular Ubuntu kernel.

1.2 install the libpfm
 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@perfmon2.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/perfmon2
co -P libpfm
  make install (by default, it will be in /usr/local/lib), you need to add the path into LD_LIBRARY_PATH

1.3. install the libunwind:
   git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/libunwind.git
   autoreconf -i
   make install
  by default, it will be installed into /usr/local/lib

2. download and build the source code
the final dynamic shared library will be libracez.so under the top directory

3. build the offline detection tool
  cd tools/

4. build the mao tool
   download the mao following the instruction at http://code.google.com/p/mao/
   note that you need to check out a specific version and applied our patch:
   svn co -r 648 http://mao.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src 
   mv mao-patch/patch .
   patch -p0 < patch
   build the mao 

5. run the test:
   cd benchmarks/test
   LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libracez.so ./test-1
   Now you can turn on/off different optimization use the following environment value:
   RACEZ_LOCKSET=0 (turn on by default)
   RACEZ_SIGNAL_WAIT=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_STACKTRACE=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_SAMPLING_ADJUST=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_SAMPLE_SKID=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_SIGNAL_SAMPLE=1 (turn off by default)
   RACEZ_WRITE_RECORD=1 (turn off by default)
6. Known issues and solution
6.1 now smpl_pebs is compiled as a kernel module, you need to explict install it as:
    sudo modprobe perfmon_pebs_smpl
6.2 When monitoring large application, if you start up large number of threads, you need to 
    enter the ulimit for locked memory
    first check "ulimit -l", on unbuntu machine:
    a.sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf 
      add the following line:
     *                hard    memlock         unlimited
   b. sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/common-session
      add the following line:
     session required pam_limits.so
   c. reboot
6.3 ... 


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Language:C++ 55.5%Language:Shell 24.9%Language:C 18.8%Language:Makefile 0.8%