zhengxwen / HIBAG.gpu

GPU-based implementation for the HLA genotype imputation method (HIBAG)

Home Page:https://github.com/zhengxwen/HIBAG

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HIBAG.gpu – GPU-based implementation for the HLA genotype imputation method

GPLv3 GNU General Public License, GPLv3

R package – a GPU-based extension for the HIBAG package



Changes in v0.99.1 (Y2023):

  • the R global option variable 'HIBAG_GPU_INIT_TRAIN_PREC' can be set before loading the HIBAG.gpu package, see NEWS

  • a configure file for macOS and Linux

Changes in v0.99.0 (Y2021):

  • implementation for using half and mixed precisions

  • a new function hlaAttrBagging_MultiGPU() to leverage multiple GPU devices

v0.9.0 (Y2018):

  • initial GPU-based implementation for the HIBAG algorithm

Benchmarks for model training

1) Speedup factors using small training sets (~1,000 samples)

CPU / GPU Precision: half mixed single double
CPU (AVX2, 1 thread) --- --- --- 1
CPU (AVX2, 20 threads) --- --- --- 14.7
1x NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti 48.2 40.5 36.5 ---
1x NVIDIA Tesla T4 72.9 64.5 57.1 ---
1x NVIDIA Tesla V100 82.7 73.5 66.9 20.7
1x NVIDIA Tesla A100 133.5 114.4 102.1 23.0
Apple M1 Max (32-core GPU) 91.5 64.6 57.3

2) Speedup factors using medium training sets (~5,000 samples)

CPU / GPU Precision: half mixed single double
CPU (AVX2, 1 thread) --- --- --- 1
CPU (AVX2, 20 threads) --- --- --- 17.5
1x NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti 88.7 65.8 58.1 ---
1x NVIDIA Tesla T4 108.1 76.3 63.8 ---
1x NVIDIA Tesla V100 135.7 107.5 99.0 25.3
1x NVIDIA Tesla A100 149.0 114.6 107.8
Apple M1 Max (32-core GPU) 138.8 93.8 78.5

† ‘mixed’ is a mixed precision between half and single

† models built on HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 using HIBAG v1.26.1 and HIBAG.gpu v0.99.0, and the averages are reported

† CPU (AVX2, 1/20 threads), optimization with Intel AVX2 instruction, using Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 2.50GHz, 20 cores (Cascade Lake)

† This work was made possible, in part, through HPC time donated by Microway, Inc. We gratefully acknowledge Microway for providing access to their GPU-accelerated compute cluster (http://www.microway.com/gpu-test-drive/).


  1. Zheng, X. et al. HIBAG-HLA genotype imputation with attribute bagging. Pharmacogenomics Journal 14, 192-200 (2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/tpj.2013.18

  2. Zheng, X. (2018) Imputation-Based HLA Typing with SNPs in GWAS Studies. In: Boegel S. (eds) HLA Typing. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 1802. Humana Press, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-8546-3_11


  • Development version from Github:

The install_github() approach requires that you build from source, i.e. make and compilers must be installed on your system -- see the R FAQ for your operating system; you may also need to install dependencies manually.

wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/zhengxwen/HIBAG.gpu/tarball/master -O HIBAG.gpu_latest.tar.gz
## or ##
curl -L https://github.com/zhengxwen/HIBAG.gpu/tarball/master/ -o HIBAG.gpu_latest.tar.gz

## Install ##
R CMD INSTALL HIBAG.gpu_latest.tar.gz



## Loading required package: HIBAG
## HIBAG (HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging)
## Kernel Version: v1.5 (64-bit, AVX2)
## Available OpenCL device(s):
##     Dev #1: AMD, AMD Radeon Pro 560X Compute Engine, OpenCL 1.2
## Using Device #1: AMD, AMD Radeon Pro 560X Compute Engine
##     Device Version: OpenCL 1.2 (>= v1.2: YES)
##     Driver Version: 1.2 (Jan 12 2021 22:17:03)
##     EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics: YES
##     EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64: YES
##     EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics: NO
##     EXTENSION cl_khr_global_int64_base_atomics: NO
##     CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE: 4,294,967,296
##     CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE: 1,073,741,824
##     CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES: 256,256,256
##     local work size: 256 (Dim1), 16x16 (Dim2)
##     atom_cmpxchg (enable cl_khr_int64_base_atomics): OK
## GPU device supports double-precision floating-point numbers
## Training uses a mixed precision between half and float in GPU
## By default, prediction uses 32-bit floating-point numbers in GPU (since EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics: NO).
# make a "hlaAlleleClass" object
hla.id <- "A"
hla <- hlaAllele(HLA_Type_Table$sample.id,
    H1 = HLA_Type_Table[, paste(hla.id, ".1", sep="")],
    H2 = HLA_Type_Table[, paste(hla.id, ".2", sep="")],
    locus=hla.id, assembly="hg19")

# SNP predictors within the flanking region on each side
region <- 500   # kb
snpid <- hlaFlankingSNP(HapMap_CEU_Geno$snp.id, HapMap_CEU_Geno$snp.position,
    hla.id, region*1000, assembly="hg19")

# training and validation genotypes
train.geno <- hlaGenoSubset(HapMap_CEU_Geno, snp.sel=match(snpid, HapMap_CEU_Geno$snp.id))

# train a HIBAG model
model <- hlaAttrBagging_gpu(hla, train.geno, nclassifier=100)
## Gene: A
## Training dataset: 60 samples X 266 SNPs
##     # of HLA alleles: 14
##     # of individual classifiers: 100
##     total # of SNPs used: 239
##     avg. # of SNPs in an individual classifier: 15.60
##         (sd: 2.73, min: 10, max: 24, median: 16.00)
##     avg. # of haplotypes in an individual classifier: 40.44
##         (sd: 17.46, min: 18, max: 105, median: 36.00)
##     avg. out-of-bag accuracy: 93.00%
##         (sd: 4.94%, min: 78.95%, max: 100.00%, median: 93.48%)
## Matching proportion:
##         Min.     0.1% Qu.       1% Qu.      1st Qu.       Median      3rd Qu.
## 0.0004657777 0.0004773751 0.0005817518 0.0040887403 0.0112166087 0.0282807795
##          Max.         Mean           SD
##  0.4263384035 0.0393261556 0.0919757944
## Genome assembly: hg19
# validation
pred <- hlaPredict_gpu(model, train.geno)

# compare
(comp <- hlaCompareAllele(hla, pred, call.threshold=0)$overall)
## total.num.ind crt.num.ind crt.num.haplo   acc.ind acc.haplo call.threshold
##            60          59           119 0.9833333 0.9916667              0
##  n.call call.rate
##      60         1


GPU-based implementation for the HLA genotype imputation method (HIBAG)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 51.0%Language:R 44.0%Language:C 5.0%