zhengwu / OpEdd

Optimal experimental design and sparse estimation for diffusion MRI

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Optimal experimental design and sparse estimation for diffusion MRI.

Code for implementing optimal design and sparse diffusion signal estimation from "Optimized Diffusion Imaging for Brain Structural Connectome Analysis", (DOI 10.1109/TMI.2022.3156868, arXiv:2102.12526).

Installing Prerequisites

  1. Using a managed system with Slurm + module management, ANTs should be accessible using
module load ants/2.3.1
  1. Install Anaconda3 (https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/) and create a python 3.7.7 instance 'myCondEnv3'.

  2. Install the following python packages + versions:

pip install numpy=='1.19.1'
pip install nibabel=='3.1.1'
pip install dipy=='1.1.1'
pip install scipy=='1.5.2'
pip install sklearn=='0.23.2'

Build Prior

Initial Data Required

Building a new template space prior requires a training set of diffusion weighted images. The data should be organized as follows.

  1. "${DaTaFolder}/DWI_unregistered" contains a subfolder for each training subject. The name of the subfolders 'subject_id' are linked to the training_ids.txt file. Each training_id folder should house the following files:

    a. bvals: space separated text file of the b-values

    b. bvecs: space separated text file of b-vector coordinates: 3 lines with each line corresponding to a coordinate, (each 'column' indicates a unique b-vector)

    c. dwi.nii.gz: NIfTI file of diffusion weighted images

    d. mask.nii.gz: (optional) NIfTI file of binary mask (e.g., white matter mask)

    e. geom_field.nii.gz: NIfTI file of image to estimate the warp, e.g. FA or b0.

  2. "${OpEddFolder}/training_ids.txt" is a text file with one 'training_id' per row, where OpEddFolder=path/2/OpEdd/

  3. a. Under "${DaTaFolder}/priors", create a subfolder to house the prior objects.

    b. Under this subfolder, create two directories: 'training' and 'template'.

    c. Under the 'template' subfolder, put the 'template.nii.gz' NIfTI file, defining the template space in which to build the prior, e.g. FA or b0 template image.

Running Code

  1. Configure global paths in config.txt

  2. To build the template space prior from the training data, run the command below. This will create "mean_signal.nii.gz" and "log_cov_signal.nii.gz" tensors in the "DaTaFolder/priors/PRIOR_NAME/template/" folder.

bash construct_prior.sh
  1. To map the prior from the template space onto the geometry of an individual subjects brain, run the command below. This will write "EB_object.pkl" to SUBJECT_DIR, which can then be loaded and used for design selection and estimation using the methods in /opedd. See example.py for how to use this object.
bash map_prior.sh

Note: Must configure SUBJECT_DIR (in config.txt) to point to a folder with:

bvals: space separated text file of the b-values (can be only b0 images)
bvecs: space separated text file of b-vector coordinates: 3 lines with each line corresponding to a coordinate, (each 'column' indicates a unique b-vector)
dwi.nii.gz: NIfTI file of diffusion weighted images (need at least 2 b0 images)
mask.nii.gz: NIfTI file of binary mask (e.g., white matter mask)
geom_field.nii.gz: NIfTI file of FA image (to provide coordinate system for prior injection)


Optimal experimental design and sparse estimation for diffusion MRI


Language:Python 85.4%Language:Shell 14.6%