zhengdao-chen / nlu-winograd-1

Code and data related to final project for NYU DS-GA 1012

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Models and code for addressing the Winograd Schema Challenge with training data from the SNLI/MultiNLI corpora.


For convenience, this repository pre-packages some dependency code and data not created by the authors.

  • The dataset of Winograd Schemas at ./datasets/winograd/WSCollection.xml is taken from Ernest Davis's (NYU) website.
  • We package a modified implementation of the baseline NLI models from the Machine Learning for Language Group at NYU, which is stored in ./model


General Environment Setup

First, install Python 3. Then, start by cloning this repository:

git clone https://github.com/sgbalogh/nlu-winograd
cd nlu-winograd

Pre-requisites can be installed simply with:


Optionally, you can run the test suite with:

make test

Model Training Environment Setup

In order to run the TensorFlow NLI model implementations, some datasets need to be downloaded first.

Create a data directory in ./model containing an additional nested directory winograd; additionally, create a logs directory within ./model:

mkdir -p ./model/data/winograd
mkdir -p ./model/logs
cd ./model/data

Then download and unzip SNLI, MNLI, and GloVe:

wget https://www.nyu.edu/projects/bowman/multinli/multinli_0.9.zip
wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/snli/snli_1.0.zip
wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip
unzip ./*.zip

We also need the Stanford Parser, which should be stored in ./apps

cd nlu-winograd
mkdir -p ./apps
cd apps
wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-parser-full-2018-02-27.zip
unzip ./*.zip

Now you should be all set.

Loading Winograd Schema Dev/Test instances

The repository contains a copy of the XML document provided by Ernest Davis. The local copy is located at datasets/winograd/WSCollection.xml.

From a command line, open a Python 3 shell in the home directory of this repository.

import wnlu

## Initializing a translator class automatically
## parses all of the examples from the XML document:
loader = wnlu.WinogradLoader()

## This loops through the dev set instances and prints out
## the original premise content:
for instance in loader.get_train_set():

winograd_example = loader.get_train_set()[0]

## Get a list of the two possible translations of the
## schema (i.e., the two ways of replacing the pronoun):
possible_translations = winograd_example.get_candidate_translations()

## To just view the possible answers:

## If we want to see the GOLD label, we can get the index
## of it within the answers list (above) using:

Working With Winograd -> NLI Translation

Two scripts are provided for two different interfaces from Winograd translation into JSONL format necessary for input to the NLI models.

  • convertToJSON.py uses the translation interface specified within the wnlu module to generate dev and test outputs directly
  • convertTextToJSON.py performs a similar function, but reads in from a text file, making it more suitable for experimentation with different translation strategies; it needs to be passed a path to the input text file, followed by a path to the output JSON -- the input format expected is:
<GOLD label>

<GOLD label>



Code and data related to final project for NYU DS-GA 1012

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.1%