zheeeng / omnistate

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React Device Frameset


publish workflow pages workflow npm version

This is yet another device frameset component for React.


  • Powered by pure css device prototype showcase Marvel Devices.css

  • language Type Safe and under maintainable

  • Sample for reference

    • Device Selector frameset-screenshot

    • Device Emulator frameset-screenshot


yarn add react-device-frameset (or npm/pnpm)


import { DeviceFrameset } from 'react-device-frameset'
import 'react-device-frameset/lib/css/marvel-devices.min.css'

export const App = () => {
    return (
        <DeviceFrameset device="iPhone 8" color="gold" landscape>
            <div>Hello world</div>

Prop Signature


| { device: 'iPhone X', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPhone 8', color: 'black' | 'silver' | 'gold', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPhone 8 Plus', color: 'black' | 'silver' | 'gold', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPhone 5s', color: 'black' | 'silver' | 'gold', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPhone 5c', color: 'white' | 'red' | 'yellow' | 'green' | 'blue', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPhone 4s', color: 'black' | 'silver', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'Galaxy Note 8', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'Nexus 5', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'Lumia 920', color: 'black' | 'white' | 'yellow' | 'red' | 'blue', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'Samsung Galaxy S5', color: 'white' | 'black', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'HTC One', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'iPad Mini', color: 'black' | 'silver', landscape?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }
| { device: 'MacBook Pro', width?: number, height?: number, zoom?: number }

If you like the frameset selector?

type DeviceName = "iPhone X" | "iPhone 8" | "iPhone 8 Plus" | "iPhone 5s" | "iPhone 5c" | "iPhone 4s" | "Galaxy Note 8" | "Nexus 5" | "Lumia 920" | "Samsung Galaxy S5" | "HTC One" | "iPad Mini" | "MacBook Pro"

type DeviceEmulatorProps = {
    banDevices?: DeviceName[]
    children: (props: DeviceFramesetProps) => React.ReactNode,
    value?: DeviceName,
    onChange?: (deviceName: DeviceName) => void,
import { DeviceFrameset, DeviceSelector } from 'react-device-frameset'
import 'react-device-frameset/lib/css/marvel-devices.min.css'
import 'react-device-frameset/lib/css/device-selector.min.css'

export const App = () => {
    return (
            {props => <DeviceFrameset {...props} />}

If you like the frameset emulator?

type DeviceName = "iPhone X" | "iPhone 8" | "iPhone 8 Plus" | "iPhone 5s" | "iPhone 5c" | "iPhone 4s" | "Galaxy Note 8" | "Nexus 5" | "Lumia 920" | "Samsung Galaxy S5" | "HTC One" | "iPad Mini" | "MacBook Pro"

type DeviceEmulatorProps = {
    banDevices?: DeviceName[]
    children: (props: DeviceFramesetProps) => React.ReactNode,
    value?: DeviceFramesetProps,
    onChange?: (deviceConfig: DeviceFramesetProps) => void,
import { DeviceFrameset, DeviceEmulator } from 'react-device-frameset'
import 'react-device-frameset/lib/css/marvel-devices.min.css'
import 'react-device-frameset/lib/css/device-emulator.min.css'

export const App = () => {
    return (
        <DeviceEmulator banDevices={["HTC One"]}>
            {props => <DeviceFrameset {...props} />}


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 54.4%Language:TypeScript 24.7%Language:JavaScript 13.0%Language:CSS 7.8%